Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Groceries Galore!

This post is inspired by a friend of mine who asked me the other day what my grocery staples were. It was a great idea for a post so here it goes!

Grocery Shopping 101:
the number one rule of grocery shopping (which I do not always follow myself) is to ALWAYS MAKE A LIST BEFOREHAND!! Otherwise your eyes will get bigger than your stomach and you will buy things you don't actually need==> a big waste of money.

My list usually looks something like this: 

1. Veggies + hummus (my favorite hummus is Tribe 40 spices
  • carrots
  • broccoli
  • celery
  • peppers
  • spinach 
  • kale 
  • brussel sprouts

 2. Fruit 
  • apples 
  • lemons 
  • clementines 
  • blueberries
  • raspberries 
  • blackberries
  • bananas

Not usually this many apples...

 3. Soups
  • There are many brands of soup that are really good. I generally go for the broth based soups with veggies. Also the ones that are low in sodium! They really taste no different and are way better for you. Sodium causes a lot of bloat, and you don't want that, especially with bikini season creepin' up soon! 

4. Oatmeal
  • Any brand will do, but beware of the brands that come pre-flavored. They can have tons of extra sugar. I would recommend just getting the plane oats and flavoring them with your own toppings such as agave, honey, cinnamon, fruit, almond butter, etc! The possibilities are endless so get creative until you find the combo you like best. 

 4. Muesli- it's my go to cereal for days when I don't feel like a smoothie or oatmeal for breakfast. It's better for you than regular granola because it has much less fat and sugar.

5. Almond milk- my favorite choice for a non-dairy milk option. Vanilla is a great flavor but try to get the unsweetened vanilla one (again, it cuts down on the sugar and calories)

 6. Eggs and egg whites - great source of protein for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Also super quick and easy to scramble up! Consider adding veggies into the mix in order to up your veggie intake for the day.

7. Veggie burgers- if my mom hasn't made me some homemade ones to keep in the freezer, then I'll buy some at the grocery store - 
  • I like Amy's Black Bean Burgers and Dr. Praeger's California Veggie Burgers because they're both organic!

7. Green tea- this isn't something I have to buy every time I go to the store, but if I'm running low I'll obviously pick some up. 
  • Some of my favorite brands include:
    • Tazo Organic Green Tea
    • Yogi Green Tea Kombucha 
    • Stash Moroccan Mint Green Tea 

8.  Stuff to make protein smoothies 
  • protein powder- Vega One is my favorite brand, especially the Chai latté flavor :) 
  • Green Vibrance Powder (extra kick of greens! and you can't taste it at all) 
  • Zico Coconut water 
  • ice- easy enough...
  •  some sort of fruit (already covered) 
  • almond mild (already covered)

9. Quinoa and other ancient grains - just a good staple to have for a side or main dish in any meal, lots of protein! 
  • here are a few ancient grains to try- quinoa, farro,wheat berries, bulgar, amaranth, millet, kamut 
  • sometimes people are scared to make them because they think it's hard...FALSE...it's easy, just follow the directions on the package

 10. Protein Bars/ Granola Bars 
  • A few of my favorites 
  • Think Thin Bars - especially the creamy peanut butter flavor
  • Kind Bars -  cranberry almond + antioxidants is the way to go 
  • Pure Bars - pure organic cranberry cashew is my fav

11. Almond butter 

12. Greek yogurt 
  • Chobani is my favorite. I do love the flavors they have, but lately I've been sticking to the plain non-fat kind and then adding my own flavoring to it with berries, agave, and cinnamon 

13. Corn thins - these are great snacks. They are light and crispy and have only  23 calories per thin. I love to put hummus on them or spread some light swiss cheese on top! 

14. Fruit and nut mixes - perfect for on the go snacking, just grab a handful or throw some in a baggie and you're set 
  • Back to Nature Nantucket Blend is my favorite but pick the one with the stuff you like in it! Avoid trail mix with chocolate and yogurt covered things...not as healthy as you might think

That's all i can think of for now! I hope this has been helpful or at least just fun to look at. Enjoy and have a great week!! 


Updates + Workout Plan

First, a look at food:

Yes that is cheese covering half my plate. I have been craving it like crazy lately. Plus I've been trying to up my protein and calcium intake so I am perfectly okay with the increase in cheese consumption!

On the go lunch. Dirty chai latté, apple, and a think thin protein bar. These bars are really delicious and keep me feeling full for most of the afternoon. I always make sure to have one of these in my bag for days when I don't have time to sit down for lunch.

I haven't spoken much about workouts lately, but that's because they've been fairly uninteresting. I feel like I've gotten into a bit of a rut with going to the gym and doing the same thing every day. I run usually 3-6 miles, then bike a little, then do some form of quick strength training. It's starting to get old. Every day I wake up thinking today is the day I'm going to go swim or go to a yoga class, anything to change it up, but then the day gets away from me and I only have time to go to the dinky gym in my dorm and do the same old thing. 
I have resolved to change my routine and get out of this rut. I won't feel any stronger, faster, or better until I do. Maybe if I write my plan out on the blog, it will kick my butt into gear and I'll actually fulfill this goal. Here it is, the new workout plan- 

Tuesday-40 minutes on uphill elliptical (to give my legs a break from running every day, they need it), 10 minutes on stair master (to work glutes in particular), 8 minute abs, 5 min stretch = 63 minutes total
Wednesday-3 mile run, 4x4 workout (see description below) = 60 minutes total 
Thursday-Swim at JHU Rec Center during open pool hours (9-9:50am), stretch = 55 minutes total
Friday-6 mile run, 5 minute abs, stretch = 60 minutes total 
Saturday-currently looking for a Pilates or Barre class to go to in Baltimore of which I will do a review of once I get to go! = approximately 60 minutes total depending on class length
Sunday-3 mile run, circuit workout (see description below) = 50 minutes total
Monday- 45 minute run outside (whether permitting),5 min abs, long stretch session = 60 minutes total

So there ya have it! That's my workout schedule for the following week. As for most college students I would image, things can often get way crazy and getting workouts in doesn't always happen. Sometimes I find it really helpful to write out a schedule like this for the week and actually plan the exact times in each day when I will go to the gym. That way it's already written in and planned for, so there's no excuse not to go. Just an idea! Let me know if you try one of the strength workouts! I'd love to hear your opinion :) 

Now onto the rando photos just for funzies...

Fun times in chem lab with my partner Pauline (she's also a Siren). We were particularly excited this day because we got to wear purple gloves....is that sad?

I had a mini trip to DC this past weekend to see my family who was in town doing college visit for my little bro. We wanted to go to DC Cupcake but it was wayyyy too crowded. Like I'm talking lines down the street. I was not about to wait in the freezing cold. So instead we went to Sprinkles, which is owned by the head female judge on Cupcake Wars (one of my favorite shows on Food Network). So it was a perfectly acceptable second option. And the cupcakes were incredible. 

From top left going clockwise: red velvet, strawberry (my favorite!), vanilla, dark chocolate, coconut, cinnamon sugar! I had more than a bite of each of course. 

I also had a legitimate reason to go get cupcakes. It was my friend Emma's birthday this past Saturday!! 

Happy 21st Birthday Emma!!! 

4x4 Workout: 
I plan on doing each exercise for 60 seconds two times through. 

Circuit Workout: