Weekly Workout Schedule

Here you can see what I'm doing to stay active each day of the week in a much more concise and easy to follow space. Enjoy!

Friday 8/1-30 minute treadmill interval run, 15 minute elliptical, 5 minute abs, 5 rounds of 10 pushups
Saturday 8/2-35 minute steady pace run, 10 minute elliptical, arm circuit, 5 minute abs, stretching
Sunday 8/3-5.25 mile run
Monday 8/4-For time: 800m sprint, 15,12,9,6,3 reps of --> pushups, kettle-bell swings, burpee box jumps, kettle-bell squats, squat jumps
Tuesday 8/5-Early morning workout with Joey included 6 different circuits, each repeat 3x:
Circuit 1: 10 band assisted pull-ups, 10 kettle bell squats
Circuit 2: 10 kettle bell swings, 10 pushups
Circuit 3: 5 burpees into high knee step-ups, 5 (per leg) weighted squats
Circuit 4: 10 dumbbell cleans and press, 10 straight leg dead lifts, 10 commandos
Circuit 5: 10 chest press on exercise ball, 10 (per arm) rows, 10 straight leg tricep dips
Circuit 5: ABS--> 10 (per side) ab twist with medicine ball, 10 sit-ups with passing medicine ball to joey at the top, 10 straight leg lifts

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