Monday, October 8, 2012

A Week in One Post

Happy Monday!

My life follows a pattern. For a couple of weeks things always get crazy busy and stressful with school, and then seem to die down for a week or two before climbing right back up to an almost unmanageable level again. But so life goes at Hopkins (and I'm sure most other universities). This semester my class schedule is especially tough so trying to balance it with extra-curricular activities is proving to a lot more difficult than I anticipated. Making things even more difficult is my inability to say no to people. I love feeling really involved on campus, helping people out, and doing fun things with my friends, but sometimes, if for nothing but my own sanity, I need to just say no and instead chose to do things that are better for me in the long run (ie-planning time for chemistry tutoring!).
I'm sure everyone in college and beyond understands that finding that balance between all of the things we want to do is a constant struggle, but spreading yourself too thin can often have a negative impact on activities or people that are important to you. That's something that I have to constantly remind myself of.

Okay, enough about my life struggles. On to food and workout updates!

Banana cinnamon oatmeal with soy milk and a little maple almond butter mixed in. Perfect fall breakfast!
I made a big trip to Whole Foods last week to get some food staples for the month. Food shopping is such a nice relaxing break from school. I would do it every day if I had the time/money!

So many pumpkins! Welcome Fall!!

Some of the purchases included, mushrooms, apples, raspberries, goji berries, corn cakes, air popped popcorn (whole foods brand is the best!), Fiber O's (also whole foods brand), quinoa, peanut butter powder (sounds weird I know but it's actually really good and super easy), kombucha, carrots, broccoli, soup, dried cranberry+almond trail mix, and a few other things!

Dinner the other night was some steamed broccoli and soup! Along with an apple and more than a few handfuls of cranberry almond trail mix!

I found some tofu in our fridge that needed to be cooked up so I threw it in a pan with some olive oil, salt, and pepper and cooked it until golden brown!

Then I got crazy and made quinoa and cooked carrots

Then I washed some arugula and added it all together!

Mmmm...hearty and delicious 

Friday night in dinner- sautéd mushrooms and spinach with egg whites and tomato soup on the side! I also cut up an apple and pear AND broke out the air popped popcorn :)

Big fruit salad accompanied a protein smoothie for breakfast Saturday morning!

Birthday dinner at P.F. Changs on Saturday night! I had edamame to start (I can't resist) and then steamed salmon with veggies. The salmon wasn't terribly flavorful, but it was still pretty good.

Happy birthday Katharine!

More fall inspired noms...Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latté!- I got a "skinny" version made with skim milk, sugar free syrup, and no whip cream. Still delicious but wayyyyy less unnecessary sugar and calories.
If you want sugar and calories...go with one of these delicious but dangerous options. 

Workouts were a little bit more varied last week. Aside from a couple of necessary long runs, I also did some shorter runs coupled with mixed cardio (elliptical, bike, etc) just to give my muscles a little break from running. I also did a little bit of strength training last week that included a lot of pushups, crunches, squats, and lunges--and I was definitely feeling it the next day.

Since the half-marathon is this Saturday and I don't want my muscles to be too tired for the race, this week will only include one long run (a ten miler doozy), two or three medium runs (5-6.5 miles), and the other 4 days will probably be more focused on nice and easy cardio coupled with a little strength training.

That's all I have! Look forward to some guest posts coming up as well! See ya guys!

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