Friday, October 19, 2012

Green Protein Smoothies and Vegan Brownies!

Here is a look at my busy week. I have to hurry to class in ten minutes so please excuse the plethora of pictures and lack of words. Enjoy! 

My mom sent me these powders in a care package! They go in my smoothie every morning :)

1 banana, peanut butter flower, Vega One protein powder, Field of Greens powder, ice, and almond milk. Perfect on the go breakfast that easily keeps me full until lunch.

Orange juice, green tea, green protein smoothie --> the breakfast trifecta. 

That little guy on the left is a vegan brownie that my mom made and sent in the care package. They're made with black beans, cocoa powder, agave nectar and dates! It sounds kind of strange and I was definitely skeptical of them at first, but let me tell you, there are ADDICTING. But they're healthy, so you don't even have to feel guilty! Recipe to come!

Salads from one of our food courts!

Dinner with my roomie from last year at One World- a restaurant that specializes in vegan and vegetarian cuisine. It's amazing. 

Salad with grilled tuna!

Mmmm...gotta love a good chai tea latte

More dinners with my great friends Carly and Carolyn! We grabbed dinner the other night at Carma's to catch up! They have amazing soups and sandwiches....and chai's! (see above picture)

Workouts this week have been pretty boring. I'm just trying to take it easy after that half marathon last weekend. However, the other day I did manage to kick out a quick 5 miles at an 8 minute pace and it felt great to get my sprinting intervals back in to my workouts! More details to come!

Alright I'm off to class! Have a great weekend! 

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