Thursday, February 13, 2014

Eats of the Week + Snow Day!

The big winter storm has hit Baltimore and I'm stuck inside for the day, so what better way to use this free time than to write a blog post?!

Bundled up for the freezing cold!

Venturing outside to find an open coffee shop...we needed our caffeine fix!!
Now for a look at some of the recent eats and activities of the last couple of weeks...

PC '12!
Bid night craziness 
Rush was last week! It was a crazy busy week, but so worth it because we got so many amazing new members. Look how adorable they are!
Welcome HΦΜE Phis!! 

Obviously we had to welcome our new sisters into Phi Mu the best way we know how...with lots of delicious food!!
This is a bit blurry but this wonderful spread consisted of flatbread pizzas, spinach salad, chips and salsa, breadcrumb baked brussel sprouts, and of course a cheese plate avec crackers, grapes, and apples. Perfection in a potluck.

Closeup of the cheese plate. Cheeses from left (going counter-clockwise): havarti, midnight moon (my favorite kind), cheddar with dried cranberries, gouda, and swiss.

We have another sister dinner this weekend so get ready for more pictures from that coming next week! 

Other eats from the week have included...

Baked brussel sprouts, quinoa, spicy black bean soup
Dinner packed to go- brown rice/quinoa mix with tons of spinach and broccoli, apples and strawberries on the side
Classic oatmeal during these snowy days. Lately I've been very into cutting up a banana and pouring the oatmeal over top so that the banana kind of gets soft and soaks up the cinammon and agave that I used to sweeten the oatmeal. Then I drizzle almond butter on top and it all melts together. It's SO good and really filling.  Oatmeal is seriously the perfect breakfast food. Especially if you have a long morning ahead of you because it will definitely sustain your energy until lunch.
2 in 1 tray (because I don't like doing extra dishes if it's avoidable). Kale chips and baked squash with olive oil, salt and cinnamon sprinkled on top.
As far as the workouts go, they've all been indoors as of late. I've been trying to really change things up and not just do the same old workout on the treadmill each day. Obviously things happen and workouts have to be modified, but here's what my general weekly workout schedule looks like:

Monday-HIIT workout + 1/2 mile slow jog cool down
Tuesday- treadmill long run (5-7 miles)
Wednesday- speed interval run (3-4 miles), arm toning workout
Thursday-speed interval cardio (alternate between treadmill and elliptical), leg toning workout
Friday- HIIT workout + 1/2 mile slow jog cool down
Saturday-treadmill long run (5-7 miles)
Sunday-rest day (or if I'm feeling antsy, then I'll do a nice and easy jog or short strength circuit).
*I'll reiterate that things are most definitely subject to change depending on how my body is feeling that day. If I'm still super sore from a HIIT workout and feeling under the weather, then I don't go hard and do another killer circuit the next day, I'll take an easy jog or rest day. 

Key thoughts to take away--push yourself and change things up! Don't get in a rut and jump on the same cardio machine every time you go to the gym (I was absolutely the number 1 offender of this). But LISTEN TO YOUR BODY PEOPLE! I still struggle with this, but if you're tired, then take it EASY! It won't kill you or backtrack your progress. It's actually really good for your muscles and body to have a day of recovery. 
^If anyone who know's me well is reading this, they know that I'm the worst about taking recovery days, but I really have been trying to get better about it!

Try this"fun" HIIT workout I've done a few times over the past few weeks. It's a killer, I promise you'll be sore the next day, in a good kind of way ;)

HIIT Workout:
Round A (x3)
Mountain Climbers
Jumping Jacks 
*first time do 10 reps/exercise, second time do 15, third time do 20
Round B (x3)
Walking lunges 
Walk-out inchworms 
*45 seconds/exercise, 15 sec break in-between
Round C (x3)
Kettle bell squats
Box jumps
Jack knives 
*45 seconds/exercise, 15 sec break in-between
Round D (x3)
Traveling side lunges
Speed skaters
Plank to pushup
*45 seconds/exercise, 15 sec break in-between

**rest 1 minute in-between rounds

And for those of you who may be stuck inside like me due to the snow, try this at home circuit that requires no equipment or tons of space. It was posted today by my favorite Charlotte blogger, Peanut Butter Runner. I'll be doing this later today!

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