Monday, November 19, 2012

Ready for a Break!

Last week was once again full of exams, Sirens, fun with friends, and unexpected time with family.
Here's a look at the past week in pictures!

First there was Sirens. We've had practice every day this week because our concert is right around the corner (November 30th!).

Dinner to practice with me. Raw veggies, apples with almond butter, and a warm cup of chickpea and lentil soup. 
Two of my best friends' birthdays were this week (Lara and Sami)! I love love love birthdays so this was a treat and I hope they had great days. On Saturday we went out to brunch to celebrate and I got a delicious "make your own" omelet with avocado, broccoli, mushrooms, tomatos, and spinach. 
Happy birthday you two!! Love you guys!!

This is what happens when you get tired of wearing heals for a whole practice...totes understandable...

I was able to spend some unexpected time with my family this week. They were visiting for a sad reason, but it was nice to be with them :) We went out to my favorite restaurant in Baltimore on Wednesday night--Woodberry Kitchen. It's a great place that focuses on fresh and organic farm to table food that is always very tasty. I mean, how could you beat a restaurant that serves pink lady apples with peanut butter as an appetizer??

Then I had to try some of the seasonal pumpkin soup...seems like I can't get enough soup lately. 

Farro with squash and sweet potatoes. 

My brother ordered a whole chicken I think...

Phi Mu Thanksgiving!
My sorority had a big Thanksgiving feast with for our whole chapter yesterday. Everyone pitched in by cooking and baking delicious food. We even had two turkeys! You wouldn't believe the spread. Phi Mu knows how to cook, that's for sure.
Debra carving the turkey! Props...

NOM...sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top...definitely a favorite of mine

NOM again

My plate consisted of spinach salad with apples and goat cheese, roasted squash and apples, vegan sweet potatoes, and some cheese and I went back for seconds of the sweet potatoes and salad...or maybe thirds ;)

Happy/full girls!

So that's a look at most of the food I've been consuming this week. I must say that despite the craziness of the last few weeks, I haven't let my general eating/working out habits suffer too much. Sometimes when everything else in life seems to be all over the place, it's nice to have some consistency..especially in the things that make you happy. For me that's eating healthy (generally) and working out consistently. 

This week working out has been a lot of uphill runs on the treadmill (I'm a baby about running outside when the weather gets cold), sprint intervals, and stationary biking. Additionally, I've been trying to really get my arms more toned so I've been focusing on more resistance band work and a little weight lifting (lighter weights with more reps). It's too soon to tell if it's paying off, but I feel great so that's all that matters for now. 

That's all I got! Have a very happy Thanksgiving with family and friends :) 

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