Saturday, November 10, 2012

It's been almost two weeks since my last post! I sincerely apologize, but life has been a whirlwind over the past 10 days. I don't even know where to I'll just start with the pictures and go from there..
Last weekend Joey and I went to see Argo ( I highly recommend it by the way!) as a special treat. The movie theater is conveniently right next to a Whole Foods and so I suggested we park in their parking deck...just so we would have to go inside to get our parking ticket validated...sneaky sneaky ;)

I walked out with a few staples for the week since I haven't been to the grocery store in forever and ever.

Joey's snack for the movie (and I stole a few swedish those guys)

Kombucha for moi!

A night's dinner- veggie and black bean soup with corn cakes for dipping, apple and almond butter on the side!
If you have every had those days (or weeks in my case) where it feels like every hour of your day is scheduled and filled with important things that just have to get done, then you understand how hard it can be to fit working out into that kind of crammed schedule. To avoid missing my daily run/essential destressor, I find that it's just easier if I get up a little earlier and head to the gym. 

Clearly I was not too happy about my alarm going off at 7am this particular morning...

One bonus to going to the gym bright and early is that very few people are ever there. In such a small gym like this one, it's nice not to have to worry about all of the equipment being taken. Plus I get to read my book while running in peace! 

Just me and my friends the treadmill and stationary bike tehe.

Lunch on Wednesday was a quinoa and cranberry salad + a locally grown apple from this great cafĂ© on campus called Azafran. I don't get over to the building that it's in much, but when I do I'm always so pleasantly surprised by their healthy and vegetarian friendly selection!

Boring ol' salad from the cafeteria one night this week.

I was so pleased with Wednesday's lunch from Azafran, that I decided to go back to pick something up on Friday. Lentil and chickpea salad and another apple!

Aside from studying and Sirens keeping me busy this week, I also was in charge of planning a retreat for my sorority (Phi Mu!). A retreat is basically just a whole day of girly bonding between sisters. Ours featured fun activities like decorating Thanksgiving cards for the children's hospital, making Phi Mu picture frames, painting nails, eating (of course), and decorating sugar cookies! I had so much fun and I think my fellow sisters did too! Success! 

Just one of the MANY shopping carts full of supplies for the retreat. Gotta love Target.

Paper products out the wazoo 

Shopping to the MAX. 


Lara and Sami from Sirens were sweet enough to help me make tons of food for the retreat. It was huge help to have them!

Baking station!


My room has been supply central for the past few days, I could barely walk in there...

Starting the day in the food room!

Turkey hummus spinach wraps, mini deli sandwiches (on Hawaiian sweet rolls) and pb&j!

More food!

Apples galore from the farmers market! I think all of these were about $13!

I also made cinnamon rolls...who can resist them...


Despite what these pictures depict, there were other things going on at the retreat besides eating. It was a lot of fun and I can't wait for the next one! 

I'm off to relax and watch Angels and Demons (I just finished the book!) and then hit the hay early. It's going to be one longgggg day in the library tomorrow studying for the 3 exams I have next week. Pooh. 

Night y'all!! 

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