Tuesday, April 9, 2013

And She's Back!

Wow, it's really been a while. Just before spring break, I decided I needed a little break from blogging. I really do love blogging and usually find that it is a great mental release. I love writing up a (hopefully) informative and fun post and then hitting that "publish" button. But there are times when a girl just needs a break...especially when that girl is going through a round of midterms and a few other stressful scenarios surrounding extra curriculars on top of that. So I decided to take a bit of a mental break from the ol' blog and just focus on the things going on here at school that I needed to devote my full attention to. With that being said, I'm officially BACK!! So let's jump right back into things!

Packed lunch for the day. On days where I leave my room at 8:45 and won't be coming back until 5, I like to throw some snacks into a bag to have throughout the day. In this 'lunch bag' was 2 apples, carrots, a homemade almond butter bar, and raspberries. 

Lunch to go! On the right is a chocolate protein smoothie, and then there's a spinach salad with strawberries, cranberries, walnuts, and avocado. Carrots on the side! 

Fruit has been of major importance lately as I've been craving smoothies daily. As the weather gets warmer and warmer, nothing is as refreshing as a fresh berry smoothie! As usual, my smoothies consist of whatever fruit I have in the fridge (usually raspberries, strawberries, and a banana), VegaOne Protein Powder (usually vanilla chai flavor), and the Green Machine green powder or a handful of spinach.

Spring Break is the next update I have for you! My parents and I went to Orlando and brought Joey along with us! It was a great few days full of sun, relaxing, amazing food, and riding rides at Disney World and Universal Studios. Not to mention that we go to go to Harry Potter World, which is really the coolest thing ever.

Every morning the hotel had an amazing buffet set up for breakfast and I took full advantage of it. Each morning I had a giant bowl of fresh fruit, greek yogurt parfait, and a mini bran muffin. I was most definitely in heaven. I know I say it all the time, but breakfast is by far my favorit meal and this buffet was right up my ally. 

Orzo greek salad with grilled salmon!

 Then it was time to come home for a few days in Charlotte before getting back to school. I spent my days cooking with my mom (exciting news about that coming soon!), food shopping, going to the gym, and more relaxing.
Obligatory trip to Charlotte's new Whole Foods. If you're from Charlotte and haven't been yet...GO NOW! It's incredible.

When spring break ended, it was back to Hop for the race to the end of the semester. It really has been flying by and I can't decide how I feel about that. 
Secret Week shenanigans began upon returning from spring break and included a lot a lot of baking. Lord knows I did plenty of taste testing of the sweets I made for my Phi Mu "little". 

Cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip cookies, marshmallow brownies, brownie cake pops



So now things have really settled down and I'm enjoying a pretty low key week before things get crazy again at the end of the semester. The past few days it's been so nice outside that running outside was just too appealing to pass up. I nice slow 5 mile run (about 9:30 pace) was my workout the past two days, but before that (when it was still freezing cold out) I was inside doing my normal cardio routine. 

With the exception of the past couple of days, I really have been trying to cut back on my cardio a bit in favor of adding more strength training into my daily workout routine. I say this from time to time, but I do feel as though my workout habits are getting boring; every once in a while I just need a change of pace. 

For example, I have done this workout several times over the past couple of weeks: 

HIIT Workout: 
30 seconds of each exercise, doing as many reps as possible; 10 seconds rest between each exercise. Repeat the cycle 3 times with a 2 minute break between each cycle. 

Jump squats
Tricep dips 
Mountain climbers
Sumo squats
Right leg lunges
Forward arm circles
Left leg lunges
Backward arm circles
High knees
Ice skaters 
Sit ups 

* I did this cycle 3 times through with 10 minutes of cardio in between each cycle. In total, it took me about 45 minutes. Not too bad! 

*Warning--this will make you sore so be sure to stretch afterward. 

That's all I have for now, but I promise it will by no means be a whole month before I post next so look out for more coming your way! 

Have a great week :) 


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