Monday, November 11, 2013

Run Happy

I can't tell you how amazing the weather in Baltimore has been the past week. With the exception of one drizzly morning, it's been a continuous stream of brisk fall weather that I love. The skies are blue, the leaves are falling, and the sun still shines. You couldn't ask for better weather to run in so I've been taking full advantage of that these past few weeks. The other day I found a great 6 mile loop that runs through the most beautiful neighborhoods with giant monster mansions. It's really entertaining to look at them while I run and admire their architecture/wish I lived in one :)

I took this collage of photos while on that 6 mile loop the first time last week. Since then I've done the same one a few more times, and have taken some of my running friends on the trail too. 

If you're lucky enough to live in a city where there is decent weather in the fall months, I beg you to take advantage of it and just go for run or even a walk outside. I can't tell you how rejuvenating it feels to give your body a break from the stuffy indoors, for a little exercise in the fresh air. It does the mind a world of good. I swear I come out of an outdoor run feeling like a new person. I don't think anyone ever comes in from a nice relaxing run outside regretting that they did it. So trust me, it's always worth it. 

 Okay enough with my run outside before it gets too cold! rant. Onto regular foodie updates! 

Smoothies for breakfast! Last week I used the ingredients above: banana, Vega chocolate protein powder, almond butter, spinach, and Café Latte (made with almond milk!!-awesome whole foods purchase). This smoothie tasted just like a mocha frappuccino from Starbucks...only better. Definitely the best combo I've made in a while! 

A noteworthy dinner-quinoa with spinach and kale blend, and one of my mom's homemade sweet potato veggie burgers--doesn't get much better than that.

Just a random snack for a day in the library (big exam on Thursday ugh). 

Did you know they came out with KIND bars that have a third of the sugar! I love Kind bars but have always felt the need to limit how much I have them as a snack because they usually are high in sugar (aka 11-15g per bar). But when I saw these, I could have jumped for joy. Not only do they have WAY WAY WAY less sugar, but they taste BETTER than the regular ones. If you see them anywhere, definitely buy in bulk...or at least that's what I did...
Way to go KIND! 

Saturday night I went out to dinner with friends to a local sushi place. We shared steamed edamamé and then I got two smaller rolls-rainbow and spicy tuna. 

Breakfast just this morning--small bowl of fruit, Light and Fit raspberry yogurt (only 80 cals), and a slice of Ezekial sprouted grain toast with...

Another great recent Whole Foods find--Peach Delight Jam made from only peaches and sugar, and another bonus, they use way less sugar than most of the other jams on the market.

A little snacky-snack to fuel me through some work before I head for a run. Apple, GF pumpkin bread, and a soy chai latté (literally can't get through a day without one)

Speaking of chai lattés, one of my favorite places in Charles Village, Carma's Cafe, now has almond milk! I stop here at least 4 times a week for a chai so I was really pleased to see that they now offer almond milk in addition to soy for those of us who try to avoid whole or even nonfat milk. How accommodating of you Carma's! 

Before I leave you, I want to get back to running for a sec. Does anyone else listen to audiobooks while running or even just working out in general? Obviously music can be an awesome way to power through runs and can motivate you like no other, but if you enjoy reading, try downloading an audiobook and taking it on a run with you. It's just as easy as listening to music, and can be a really nice distraction. 
Last fall when I ran the Baltimore Half Marathon, I listened to The Davinci Code throughout the race, and it was great! I felt myself becoming so involved in the story, that I often forgot my legs were hurting and I was exhausted. 

Right now I'm finishing up a book called Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. It's been on the best seller list, and my must read list for a while now, so I finally started it about a couple of weeks ago and am almost done. Really cool story that spans different characters' stories over a number of decades. Love, Hollywood, the coast of Italy, what more could you ask for?! 

Here are a few of the other books that are at the top of my must-read list:

If anyone has read any of these, let me know!! I don't know which one to read first! Also, any other book suggestions are always welcome!

Have a great Monday y'all!! 
I leave you with a cute pic of my little and I, she's the best. 

<3 Phi Mu!! 

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