Sunday, February 17, 2013

Food from the Week

It's midterm week at old Hoppie Hopkins so I'm sorry for the lack of posting this week. This post is all about food! YUm! Here's a look at just a couple of things that I've been craving this week! 

Roasted brussel sprouts: 
They're REALLY easy to make. All you do is cut them up into fourths, put them on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Bake them in the oven at 350 for aout 15 minutes. They're amazingly crispy

ready for the oven! 

 fifteen minutes later...
perfectly golden and crispy! I love when some of the leaves fall off and are crunchy when they come out of the oven. SO GOOD. I have been known to eat a whole tray of roasted brussel sprouts in one shame.

Also I've been loving scrambled eggs lately. I've been trying to increase my protein intake in the past couple of weeks and being a vegetarian means that my options for high protein foods are somewhat limited. Eggs are the perfect alternative to meet! I mix egg whites with one or two eggs and then scramble them up with spinach and any other veggies I have laying around. 

We had Phi Mu sister dinners this past weekend with our new members and there was a ton of delicious food. I made a platter of cheese and brought baguette slices and grapes to go along with it. I also contributed the carrots and hummus. Along with what I brought there was amazing guac that was homemade by my roomie Sophie, chips and dip, buffalo chicken dip, and brownies! So much good stuff for a fun night! 
New Phi Mus!! They are so cute

I also ordered some special food items from amazon this week so here's a looksie: 
Simply Granola (gluten and sugar free, vegan, and low carb)'s actually surprisingly good for how healthy it is. A friend of mine recommended I try the Whole Soy Nutlettes cereal on the right and I actually really like it! They add the perfect crunch to a bowl of greek yogurt and berries (my go to breakfast for the past week).

Pure bars! They have tons of flavors to choose from but this one looked especially tasty. Great for an on the go snack to sneakily munch on during class when my stomach starts to growl so loud that people turn and look at me (it happens...).

I also got an AMAZING package from my mom this week! It included more Vega One Protein powder in the Vanilla Chai flavor, powdered green supplement to add to protein smoothies, homemade veggie burgers, healthy berry walnut muffins, and these amazing little balls.
I need to get eh exact recipe from her but basically all that's in them is almond butter, almond meal, chia seeds, cranberries, goji berries, and agave. To say that they are addicting would be a large understatement.

I'm off to brave the snow and head back to the library! Time to study for midterms :( 

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