Tuesday, August 13, 2013

An End to Orgo and Jet-setting the East Coast

Guys, first and foremost, I have been really bad about taking pictures of eats lately. The end of summer classes was a whirlwind of a struggle so I promise there wasn't much in the way of really appetizing looking meals. 
Orgo was finally over and I met my parents in NYC for the weekend to celebrate my mom's birthday. We ate tons of good food, saw some amazing broadway shows, and shopped a little. Basically it was a 48 hour period of de-stressing after a summer that was really tough on me mentally and emotionally.

Restaurant recommendation alert!!-Go to Zé Cafe next time you're in NYC. It's a very small and cozy restaurant, open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It used to be a flower shop and is still owned by the same people so a lot of the decor is earthy with lots of beautiful (and real!) flowers throughout the space. Not to mention that the food was just amazing. Wow, I can't recommend this place enough. 

A few pics from the weekend...

Of course the only picture of food I took the whole weekend was of my breakfast parfait....

Happy birthday Mom!! :) 

After that crazy fun weekend, I then headed up to Maine to visit Joey at the lake-front resort he is working at for the summer. This is the second time I have seen him all summer and the 5 days I was there flew by.
When Joey wasn't working (meaning I was reading and sleeping), we were hiking, going to flea markets, paddle boarding, and taking a day trip to Portland!

Fresh blueberries to pick on the trail!

Freezing cold pool we jumped into at the end of the hike!

Beautiful Lake Kezar 

As far as workouts go, I've just been fitting them in whenever/however I can. In NYC I listened to my body and took a day off. The next couple of days I was doing my standard 4 mile (ish) run with some intervals, and then abs and a little strength training if I had time. 
In Maine, there was no gym so I ran outside most mornings. It was actually really great for my legs because I haven't run outside in a while. Also, the terrain there is pretty hilly so I definitely felt sore the next day. My butt isn't used to that uphill anymore! 

Now I'm back in Baltimore for a few days just hanging out and getting a few things done here before I head home to good ol' Charlotte for 8 days. My last little vaca before school starts :) Can't wait! 

My dinner last night...nothing too exciting, but I finally remembered to take a picture of a meal so I had to add it in here. 
Seaweed salad and shrimp from Fresh Market, carrots and corn cakes with hummus, apple, and a few slices of cheese on the side! 

Alright, I'm off now to hit up a new yoga studio I discovered yesterday. They have a hot power yoga class that I really want to try. I'll be back soon with a more informative post. I think a new recipe to share with you guys is in order! 


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