Saturday, July 19, 2014

"Everybody Wants to be a Cat"

I have come to learn recently that cats sleep all day, everyday. I think they're really cute when they sleep so I take far too many pictures of Joey's cats sleeping in different cute positions. I don't know what else to do with them but put them here, so enjoy. 



Nap time with Mo 
Gump sleeps in the weirdest positions

Honestly,  I wish I could sleep as much as they do! Instead, my day-to-day summer schedule is breakfast, work, lunch, LSAT, gym, dinner, LSAT, TV, sleep. There are a few variations on that depending on what my friends and I are doing, but by 10pm, I'm exhausted and ready to crawl into bed. 

Somewhere in all of that, I got to meet my family at the beach for the 4th, and have some pretty amazing meals...

Dinner before leaving for the beach was made by my friend Alice and I. This delicious meal included salmon stuffed with feta and spinach, sautéed broccolini and summer squash, with whipped sweet potatoes (my absolute favorite food lately). 

Then it was time to drive to Cape May to spend time with family and friends <3

Morning run along the pier 

Seafood dinner! We tackled live lobster this time...and I mean literally tackled them. It was quite the ordeal getting those live guys into the pot. 

They were huge!! 

In addition to the giant lobsters, we also had clams, seared scallops, and raw oysters (which I didn't partake in..not a huge fan of raw oysters). Everything was so delicious and I was stuffed afterwards!

It was a rainy day on our second day at the beach so we found ways to entertain ourselves indoors...not sure why we thought this was a good idea?

Beautiful Cape May Sunset 

While shopping in the town of Cape May, I saw this sign and laughed because it's SO true for me. I have become a coffee addict and it's pathetic.

Dinner  on our last night in Cape May was at the Blue Pig Tavern. They offered a lot of great options from freshly caught seafood to pasta and a great cheese board :) 
Dad wanted me to take a picture of his dinner. Linguini bolonaise which he said was very good!

Duncan's seafood pasta was awesome but...

My perfectly grilled swordfish with beat risotto was probably the most amazing dish I've had from a restaurant in forever. I ate every bite and hardly wanted to share any of it!

On our way out of town, we stopped in a little shop that boasted fresh fruit smoothies and vegan ice cream! I got their green smoothie and it was perfectly refreshing and a nice change of pace from all the heavy food I ate over the weekend. Sometimes all I need is a green pick-me-up to feel like I have reset my digestion in a way.

Spinach, almond milk, pineapple, banana, and ice!

We also stopped into a peanut-butter shop on our way out of Cape May. Yes you read that right...a PEANUT BUTTER SHOP. It was awesome. They had all different types of nut butters and flavored peanut butters. Along with other peanut products, jams, and peanut butter baked goods. AND you could taste anything!! I should have taken pictures but I was honestly so overwhelmed/excited to be in there that I didn't even think to get out my camera. It was heaven on earth. I ended up leaving with their classic salted peanut butter and their hazelnut butter which actually didn't have any hazelnuts in it. I swear it's better than Nutella. 

Back in Balty for weekend lunch with friends at Artifact Coffee. It's a favorite of my friends', but it was my first time going and I was not disappointed! I started with a soy honey lavender latte and shared a bran muffin with Es. For my main, I ordered this sandwich: Spike's greenhouse on spelt bread with kale, onion, cheddar, cucumber, shaved summer squash, and special sauce. It was really substantial for being vegetarian..definitely kept me full until dinner time.

Cooking dinner with Es (per usual)-broiled talapia with TJ's pineapple mango salsa (highly recommend it!) with a side of quinoa and baked asparagus with shaved parmesan. We have really been stepping up our cooking game! Go us.

Dooby's coffee is my favorite in Baltimore and lucky for me, it's on my way to work! It's definitely a pricy soy vanilla latté but the quality makes it worth it. If you live in the B'more area and enjoy a really good cup of coffee, I highly recommend it. *They also have really good oatmeal and baked goods :)

Maybe it's time I talk about some fitness stuff since this blog is supposed to be about healthy living. I get too carried away with the food sometimes! 

So the workouts as of late have been really varied-
1. Running outside *when it's not too hot* 
Last week I went on a trail run with my favorite running buddy, Katie, who is back from her semester abroad in Chile. It was so nice to run with her again and catch up on our semester apart. So happy she's back and excited for more runs this year!

2. Strength training with Joey
-no pics but it kicks my ass

3. Circuits complements of Kayla Itsines
-these are great quick cardio sessions that get your heart rate up and your muscles on fire...especially leg day!
Trying really hard to look happy after a Kayla workout but secretly dying.

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