Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So many updates to share and so little time! I'll get right to it! 

Lately I've been doing a little more running, but also trying really hard to get in some good strength workouts. Cardio is great, but I know that all cardio all the time really isn't pushing my body in new ways.

Apparently I've been pretty content lately to run in the 4-5 mile range. 

Notice also that my kindle is in every one of these treadmill pics. I've read a lot of great books in the last few months that I want to share with you all since it's been a while since I've done one of my big book reviews. 

Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher from Starbucks! Really refreshing and has caffeine too for a little energy boost (70 calories in a grande, 100 cals in a venti). 

Seafood salad with goat cheese. SO delicious!

On the go breakfast from our little on campus market- Black Cherry Chobani greek yogurt and raspberries!

Brunch with my mama when her and my family came up to visit last weekend! 

My family came up to see my Sirens concert and the debut of Joey's musical (he and his roommate actually wrote a musical...SO good!). I also got to spend a lot of fun time with my older sister who is just under 7 weeks away from having a baby!! So glad I got to see her and spend some quality family time all together. <3 See you and baby on June 24th Melissa!! 

The end of the year is fast approaching and it's now finals time. I'll keep trying to do updates as much as possible so keep checking in! XOXO

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