Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Low Key Weekend and a 10K!

It was a pretty low key weekend for Jordan. I had/still have a number of exams and tests this coming week so I knew I needed to take advantage of the weekend to catch up on sleep and studies. Definitely not the most fun weekend I've ever had, but hey, when you go to Hopkins, you do what you gotta do.

I also mad slacked on taking pics of food this weekend...the only one I managed to get was of my lunch Friday. My apologies. 

Warmed up quinoa and cooked veggies on a bed of arugula with cranberries and goat cheese mixed in. 'Nanner on the side!

 The weather this weekend has been gorgeous! I couldn't resist being a nerd and taking a picture of my beautiful campus.

90% of my weekend was spent with these two lovely ladies, Sami and Lara (aka-my Sirens besties). We all had a lot of work so they were kind enough to keep me company in the library all weekend as well as relax with a movie night Friday night :) 

Sami <3

Lara <3

The only eventful thing that happened this weekend was that I ran a 10k Sunday morning! My alarm went off at the still dark hour of 6:30am and I rolled out of bed and proceeded to get ready for the race in a half-asleep zombie like state. Somehow I managed to munch on a banana and 1/2 a piece of wheat toast to fuel me for the race that began at 8am. 
Luckily I had some company with me! To be honest, if they hadn't agreed to go with me, I'm not sure if I would have had the strength to get up this morning. So glad they joined! They pushed me so much and I ended up finishing with a great time of 54:30! My chip said 56 minutes, but my watch said 54:30 so let's go with that. Averaging 8:45 minute miles for 6.2 miles was better than I expected to do so I'm pretty pleased! My next goal is to hopefully run a 10 miler before the half marathon in October!

Katie and Battina=speed demons.

Nerd selfy with my race number (yes, I realize that it's backwards)....

That's all I got for now! See you guys later in the week! 

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