Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Week Later....

This week, like most, has been a crazy one. I'll jump right into things to fill you in!

Lots of good home cooked food:
Steamed farmers' market broccoli

Broccoli, goat cheese, and dried cranberries mixed in with quinoa (notice the Belle spoon)

Egg white scramble, steamed edamame, carrots +hummus, and tomato soup

Whole Foods Shopping Trip!

Picking out a plant for decoration

'Nanners galore! 

Obviously much of the weeks' food went un-pictured but I feel like it would be pretty redundant and boring for me to go back type out everything for you guys. Just know that it included a lot of egg white scrambles, quinoa, carrots, greek yogurt, and apples (they're in season right now so definitely take advantage of that if you can!).

Workouts have been un-exciting too. Just long runs every day in preparation for the 10K I'm running next weekend and the half marathon in October! I even got Joey to run a 6-miler with me outside the other day. The weather here has been so nice that outdoor runs are hard to pass up!

Other than that, nothing else really new has been going on. I promise I'll do a couple of posts this week with more thorough updates, but this is all I have for now! Also, look forward to a few guest posts from  healthy and fit friends of mine coming up!

Have a great start to the week!

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