Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Finally Back!

It's been a week to the day since my last post. I won't bore you with the details of this past week--let's just say it was busy busy busy. I'm so glad to be back at home in Charlotte (even if it's only for one week) just to relax and recharge my battery before heading back to HOPKINS!!

This post would be WAY too long if I tried to include all of my eats and workouts over the past week. Just know that physical activity consisted mostly of quick morning runs (the only time of the day I had to workout) and food was just all over the place. So I'll start with what's been going on since I got home.

Monday Eats: 
Kashi Heart to Heart cereal with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and berries + flax seed sprinkled on top. Light and Fit yogurt on the side!
Lunch- I let myself sleep in so breakfast was later and I went to workout at 2pm so lunch was just half a Kind bar to hold me over until dinner.
Sorry this is a tad blurry. I heated up some tomato soup and added spinach to it. Then I made a concoction of steamed corn, chickpeas, and farro (an ancient grain cooked just like quinoa or wheat berries). Apple on the side!

Monday Workout: 
I went to a small local gym near us called Just Workout. We've been going there for a year and it's great because it's not crazy crowded or anything and you can change channels on the tv's and turn the volume up as loud as you want! Hence-entertainment while I ran 5 miles on the treadmill.

A quick 2.5 minute cool down after to make it an even 40 minute run.

Then I did some abs on the tall standing bosu ball.
2 rounds of...
20 center knee lifts
20 left knee lifts
20 right knee lifts

Then...MORE ABS!

50 crunches
50 reverse crunches
25 leg lifts
50 crunches
25 leg lifts

Finally I finished with one minute/leg of lateral leg raises with a resistance band.

Tuesday  Eats: 
Breakfast- Just a banana and a handful of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal because...
Lunch- I met my grandparents at a restaurant called Nolan Kitchen for an early lunch just to see them and catch up before I leave again. We started with some zucchini chips and then I had a small salad with a piece of grilled salmon on top.
Snack- Lunch was so early and I wasn't going to have dinner until later after I worked out so I had a Light and Fit yogurt with fresh cut strawberries.
Dinner- I was going for a vegetarian friendly yet protein packed dinner...

Egg beater scramble with non-fat cheddar and spinach. Sautéd tofu, and greek yogurt add even more protein! Raspberries, grapes and apples (unpictured) too! And perhaps a handful or two of Kashi cereal for dessert...Heart to Heart is addicting...

Mmmm raspberries

Tuesday Workout:

Charlotte has this great new spin studio called Fly Wheel that is conveniently just up the street from me. The spin classes are a lot of fun (with strobe lights and loud music included), but they also offer Barre classes (also with loud music), and that's what I went to tonight. Here is how their website describes Barre:

"FlyBarre provides a revolutionary form of body sculpting. It combines the disciplines of yoga, dance, circuit training, pilates and strength building with the Flywheel touch."

"A full-body workout based on high repetitions at low weights, FlyBarre is designed to lengthen, tone, and sculpt. Classes are highly energetic, fast-paced, and challenging. We use a wide range of props to tighten muscles and keep things interesting."

Barre is such a great workout. It doesn't necessarily make me sweat a ton, but man do I feel a good burn in literally every part of my body by the end of the 60 minute class. You can tell your muscles are getting stronger by the minute.

Fly Wheel studios are all over the US so if you have one near you definitely try the spin or barre classes out. Trust me, you will be sore the next day...not looking forward to not being able to walk or lift my arms tomorrow :)

Alrighty, I'm off to tackle cleaning up the bomb of clothes that has mysteriously exploded all over my room. Wish me luck. Adios!!

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