Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Vacation Part 2- Kayaking Adventures

Unfortunately our vacation comes to an end tomorrow morning, but it's been one amazing for the books.

Workouts on this trip have been a little all over the place, but it's vacation so I'm not sweating it.
Tuesday we went for an hour long bike ride around the island looking at all of the big beach houses and beautiful salt marsh views.
After the bike ride, I ran just over 5 miles on the treadmill, did 10 minutes on the elliptical, and then knocked out a quick 10 minutes of abs and a few squats to get me to about a 60 minute workout. NO ARMS today...they were way too sore from Monday's personal training session.

Oh today's workout was one that I was definitely not expecting. We went for what was supposed to be a casual and fun kayaking trip around the island. Not exactly how it turned out though. After about an hour of kayaking out to a small little sandbar far from the main shore, we went for a nice little walk to find some seashells. As we came back to our kayaks for lunch, we looked up to see huge dark swirling clouds above us....not good. We knew that was a bad sign, but probably should have taken the weather much more seriously. We decided to get back in our kayaks and head on back just in case.

Long story short, we ended up getting stuck in the middle of the storm. Picture my mom and I in a double kayak. I'm in the back trying to steer through rain that's pouring down so hard I can barely open my eyes. Lightning is striking banks around us. And the current/wind is pushing so hard against us that we're barely moving forward.

 My mom thinks it's fun (she's the adventurous one) and an adventure. I'm crying because I'm convinced we will not survive this. The guide eventually has to tie us to his kayak so he can help pull us back.

We did eventually make it underneath a bridge so we could wait out the storm a bit more, and then finally got back on land. I could have kissed the ground. Hey, at least we got a good story out of it!

SO aside from the massive arm workout I got from paddling so hard through the storm (my arms are already sore), I also went to the gym and ran about 3.25 miles just to run off some anxiety that was still haunting me from our...."experience" let's say.

We also tried paddle-boarding! Not sure how I got back out on the water after what had happened earlier, but I'm glad I did. The paddle boarding was really fun, and a workout in itself!

On the other hand, the food we've had over the past few days has been great the whole way through. 

Always delicious breakfast-fruit plate, greek yogurt, granola

Lunch yesterday-mushroom, goat cheese, spinach wrap

Sorry, poor quality pic. Not poor quality food though! This is halibut with caper sauce, summer squash, and black lentils. 

Mom's seafood ravioli, and shared goat cheese and tomato polenta. 

I've gotten something different every morning because it all sounds so good.  Cold cereal with fruit this morning. Little cup of greek yogurt on the side. 

I needed a warm lunch after the kayaking fiasco. White bean and collard green soup and a shared veggie+hummus wholewheat flatbread hit the spot. 
Our dinner tonight was at an extra fancy restaurant as a special treat for my mom's birthday. Holy moly it was SO FANCY SHMANCY. It was a 4 course meal, but each course was super small so that you didn't ge too full too quickly. I didn't want to take my camera to take a picture because the restaurant was just too nice. Making a long meal short, I tried seared tuna, a salad with grilled peaches, triggerfish, and a cheese tasting at the end of the meal that was to die for. 

Happy Birthday Mama!! Hope you had a great day!! <333

Alright I'm off to bed. I'd like to get up tomorrow morning and go for a run around the island before we have to check-out and get to the airport. Back to reality. Night! 

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