Monday, August 6, 2012

Vacation Part 1!

I'm so exhausted, but I have a lot of updates so I didn't want to miss out on another day of blogging. Bare with me, this post may have more pictures and fewer words.

Special dinner Friday night! Joey made the salmon cakes (see this post for the how-to!), pan seared scallops, and bruschetta (made on the grill)....while I made the roasted butternut squash (with agave and cinnamon on top!), quinoa salad (with cranberries and goat cheese), and steamed broccolini.

Saturday morning workout a fast paced 4 miles on the treadmill incorporating sprint work, and then I dialed things down a bit for another 2 miles. Then I got on the elliptical for a good 15 minutes getting me to just around 55 minutes of cardio. I did a little strength stuff with resistance bands and also got some abs in there. Also did 100 jump squats just for "fun". I tried to get a little stretching in at the end because I've been so tight lately. 

No interesting eats Saturday unfortunately. Same old stuff. 

Sunday morning I was up early to get to the airport for my flight to Savannah. Once I met my mom at the airport in Savannah, we drove to Sea Island where our resort is. I want to get married here/live here/die here. It's so beautiful! 

Yesterday was supposed to be my day off of working out, but my mom and I wanted to explore the spa and fitness area at the resort, and since we were already wearing workout clothes when we got to the gym, I just couldn't resist getting a short 35 minute workout in (primarily done running and walking on the treadmill). 

This is just one of the rooms at the resort spa, where my mom and I spent almost the whole day. Talk about relaxing and just what I needed. 

My mom got a two hour full-body massage as well as a facial. I started my day with a 90 minute personal training session with a trainer named "Ox". He was tough and definitely challenged me to do things that I'm not used to / avoid at all costs (think pull ups...), but it was good for me for sure. Then I did a 30 minute quick cardio session on the treadmill before heading out the beach for a 25 minute stretch with a yoga teacher. That was so so cool. It was so nice to just relax out there and go deeper into some yoga poses than I usually do. 

After lunch, I had a little time so I got in an epsom salt hot tub, sat in the sauna for a bit, and then read. 
Then I got to have a private session with a chef who specializes in nutrition and healthy cooking. She was so so helpful. I'll have to share everything I learned from her in another post...too much to type out now! 

Finally, I got to have a fully body massage that just topped it all off perfectly. I was super sore and tight all in my back and legs so that's what the massage therapist focused on. I can't even tell you how great I felt walking out of a wet noodle. 

Look at all of this amazing food we've been having!! (sorry if some of the photos are poor quality)

Dinner last night was salmon with squash and asparagus. For dessert I had some green tea and little pieces of dark chocolate our waiter brought for us. 

We had breakfast in our room this morning before starting our spa day. I had grapefruit, greek yogurt with agave nectar, and a sliced banana. 

My mom had oatmeal with brown sugar and pecans (I stole a few delicious). 

 One of the many things that I love here is there green tea! I've never had this brand before, but I am going to look for it when I get home. It's got a really fruity flavor that I love.

Lunch brought to us at the spa was a whole wheat wrap with sautéd mushrooms, arugula, and goat cheese. Small farro salad and fruit cup on the side. 

Mom's shrimp salad for lunch!

They also had these incredible little homemade granola bar bites in the spa that I couldn't keep my hands out of. I must have had 50 of those little buddies. 

I forgot to take a picture of dinner! I had halibut and my mom had swordfish and we both liked each others better. So really I ended up eating more swordfish. 

After dinner we wanted a treat. There's an ice cream/candy shop in the resort so we stopped in and got some ice cream to eat on our beach walk back to our room. My mom had a scoop of birthday cake ice cream (in honor of her soon to be birthday), and I had a scoop of fat-free vanilla ice cream with M&Ms. 

Now we're crashing in bed watching the Olympics! I'll be asleep before 11 I'm sure. Night y'all! 

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