Sunday, August 26, 2012

Great Home Eats and Workouts

Hello, Hello!

Let's get right too it because it's almost family dinner time :)

Friday Eats: 
Breakfast-  I was up and out early on Friday so I stopped at Starbucks for breakfast. Perfect oatmeal with nuts and dried fruit, also a soy green tea latté (no sweetener). I missed this breakfast (it's one of my go-to's at school), and it hit the spot.

Mmmmm... Maybe this doesn't look good to everyone, but it sure does to me. ALSO...if you ever try this oatmeal, ask the barista to make it with steamed soy milk instead of water. It's no extra charge and really makes it taste a lot creamier and sweeter so maybe you won't need to add any extra brown sugar in there!

Lunch- I was out all day and didn't have time to go home for lunch. I arrived early to my hair cut appointment and conveniently Earth Fare is right across the street so I got a few things to taste real quick. 

Chili tofu nuggets (I think I had 3), a few bites of curry farro salad with raisins, dried apples, and almonds, and then all of that cantaloup because I just couldn't resist it. 

Dinner- Out for a fun girls' dinner with my mom, my friend, and her mom. We went to the new Wolfgang Puck Pizza Bar here in Charlotte. It was pretty good, nothing too special though. I had a beet and goat cheese salad as well as a cup of the corn soup. Like I said, it was just decent and actually a little over priced. 

Friday workout:
Morning Barre class! Intense, but good!

Saturday Eats:
Breakfast- My parents and I got up at 5:30am and drove 2 hours to see my brother run in his first cross country race of the season. I had a banana and a Kashi granola bar at about 7:30 to hold me over until our brunch after the race (where I had scrambled egg whites and a side of fruit). 
Lunch- Since we had a later brunch, I was never really hungry until about 4 so I just had 3 of my leftover chili tofu nuggets. 
Dinner-Out again with family friends! This time we went to a favorite around these parts called Nolan Kitchen . It was delicious! We started with the baked zucchini chips for the table. For my main course I actually had a weird but delicious assortment of smaller plates. I got a cup of the spicy tomato basil soup and a side of whipped sweet potatoes, as well as a side of asparagus. Such a great meal. 

Look at Evan go!! He was running on a semi-healed sprained ankle and still had a great race! I'm jealous of his skills.

Yay! Brother sister reunite at an XC race. 

Saturday Workout: 
My "day off" turned into more of a "light day" so I just went out for a nice 45 minute run around my neighborhood around 5pm so that it wouldn't be too hot out. It was one of those great runs I have occasionally that remind me why I love running so much. I was totally in my own head, thinking about everything going on in my life-- the start of the year, my goals, my friends I can't wait to see... I didn't even realize I was exercising and was tired until I was running back up to my own driveway. It was really just what I needed. 

Sunday Eats: 
Breakfast- Back to my normal Light and Fit yogurt with flax seed, Kashi, and berries. 
Lunch- It looks like a lot, but let me explain. The corn cakes on the side were spread with the "Light Swiss Cheese", then I layered the spinach and wheat berry salad on top so it made like a crunchy salad cracker! Apple and green tea on the side.

Dinner- We're cooking a family dinner (and about to sit down for it now) that consists of grilled seafood kabobs (with salmon, cod, tuna, and shrimp) for my mom and I, steak kabobs for the boys of the family, and quinoa, broccolini, and steamed corn as sides! YUM! 

Sunday Workout:
Another good "thinking" run, but it was only about 2.5 miles. Then I went to a hot yoga class at Y2 Yoga and was sweating my butt off by the end. 

Alright I'm off to enjoy dinner with the fam! See you guys soon! 

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