Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's that time of year!

There's something so comforting and refreshing about returning to Hopkins for my second year. I was so anxious and excited to get back. Unlike last year, I have a much lower chance of getting lost on campus, I know if not recognize almost everyone I pass walking down St. Paul Street, and if anyone needs to know a good place to grab a good bite to eat and an amazing tea latté--I know just the place (Carma's!). Needless to say, I am thrilled to back at home sweet Hopkins and can't wait to start the new year.

The past couple of days have been filled with last minute family time, traveling, and now the hustle and bustle of getting situated before the school year really starts. As usual, I'll fill you guys in on my workouts and food consumption from the past 72 hours, but there won't be many pictures I'm afraid (I keep forgetting to bring my camera with me).

Monday Eats: 
Breakfast- Bowl of berries and a baggie of Kashi Go Lean Crunch (on the go breakfast!)
Lunch- 3 corn cakes with Light Swiss cheese wedge and a salad with black beans, kale, quinoa, and sun dried tomatoes. I also had an apple with a little almond butter spread on top
Dinner- Clearly I was craving black beans that day because I had a smaller version of the salad I had at lunch, as well as a cup of black bean veggie soup (low sodium). Also had a big fruit salad and a few too many low-fat graham crackers for dessert--funny how tastes change. I used to really not like graham crackers for whatever reason, but I tasted them recently and realized what I'd been missing out on. They're addicting...

Monday Workout: 
I had doctors visits galore on Monday so I squeezed in a quick morning workout before the appointment mayhem began...

30 minutes on the treadmill running 4 miles total (first 3 miles fast paced, last mile slowed down)
12 minutes on the bike doing 4 rounds of 3 minutes sets where two minutes are at a moderate-fast pace and the third minute is basically a sprint.
5 minute abs (one minute vertical leg crunches, one minute russian twists, one minute bicycles, one minute reverse crunches, one minute plank)
2 minutes of foam rolling!

Tuesday Eats: 

Breakfast- A little more normal for me..warm grapenuts heated up with unsweetened vanilla almond milk with raspberries, muesli, and flax seed on top!
Lunch- A little trail mix (composed of peanuts, almonds, dried cranberries, dried cherries, and even some dark chocolate chunks) that I packed in a baggie to munch on during the plane ride. I hate flying so any distraction is welcome..especially food. Flying makes me so nervous that my stomach gets into knots so I wasn't really hungry again until it was just about dinner time!
Dinner- Sushi in Baltimore at a restaurant called Geisha! I ordered two spicier rolls that were good, but maybe a little too spicy for me. I ended up hungry 4 hours later so my midnight snack (more like 10pm) was a few carrots with hummus and more trail mix!

Tuesday Workout:

My mom and I hit the gym early because I had to get home to finish packing and high-tail it to the airport.

32 minutes on the treadmill- 4 miles total averaging a nice 8 minutes/mile
6 minutes of abs on the standing bosu ball
6 minutes working arms and back with resistance bands (I'll have to do a post about these soon)
4 50 meter sprints (in the gym parking lot)- after the first two sprints, I walked back with alternating lunges, after the second two sprints, I did side shuffle squats back to the starting line. This was a killer and quick leg workout!

Before I go I have to give a shout to my amazing Big in my sorority- Jordan (teheh same name)! She is currently studying abroad in Paris for the semester and has started a blog! I love it already--definitely check it out to read about all of the fun stuff she's doing in one of the greatest cities in the world... and be prepared to be jealous :)

Click here to see it!

Miss you already Jordan!

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