Thursday, August 23, 2012

I'm going to turn into an egg white-scramble...

You will see that my meals over the past few days have been incredibly redundant. I apologize. I'm just stuck in a food rut. Maybe my stomach is just being lazy and doesn't feel like changing up what it's craving. I promise I'll get some sort of variety in there soon, just bare with me.

Wednesday Eats: 

It's hard to see what's in that bowl besides strawberries, but underneath is Light and Fit Peach Yogurt + flax seed+ muesli

 ^ My favorite brand/flavor of muesli! I love the dried fruits in there and it packs extra fiber. Score! ^

Lunch- I made a short trip to Earth Fare just to pick up a few groceries. While there I also got some of their freshly made chili tofu nuggets. I try to get some every time I'm home. They're SO good and super addicting. I had those plus an apple with almond butter for lunch.

Side note from food- I saw JEF from the bachelorette in Earth Fare!!!! Emily (the bachelorette) is from Charlotte so it makes sense for him to be here since he won. I was routing for him the WHOLE show and then I saw him IN PERSON! I almost passed out. I looked a hot mess so I was afraid to talk to him, but he did smile at me big grin.

Dinner- Night two of the egg white scramble + spinach and non-fat cheddar. I also had the remainder of my chili tofu nuggets from lunch. Fruits for the night included an apple and cut up strawberries.

Wednesday Workout: 

I went to my favorite yoga class at my favorite yoga studio in Charlotte--"Hot Vinyassa Fast"at Y2 Yoga. It was a great workout and I was thoroughly sweating and well stretched by the end of it. Just what I needed considering I was mad sore from the day before. I also went on a nice 30 minute jog that evening. I think I probably only covered about 3.5 miles.

This picture just sums up my day. Everything with me piled in the front seat. Purse holding water bottle, headphones, and makeup. Yoga mat, running shoes, and an Ulta bag left from running errands.

Thursday Eats:

Breakfast- The exact same as the past few days...yogurt+fruit+flax+muesli.
Lunch- 1/2 whole wheat wrap with hummus, spinach, wheat berries, and a little cheddar cheese sprinkled on there. 1 cut up apple, and a few carrots dipped in hummus.
Dinner- I wasn't feeling too hungry, but I wanted to eat something before it got to be too late. Enter third night of egg-white scramble dinner.

Grapes, yogurt, and a few corn cakes went along with the scramble.

My brother Evan had a Panera feast. Mmmm...he takes after his sister

Thursday Workout:

I went to the gym later today and ran 6 miles on the treadmill. First three miles were around an 8 minute pace, while the last three were closer to an 8:30 pace. Then I did this quick circuit...

15 push-ups
30 second plank
20 tricep dips
30 jumping jacks

Repeat 3X^

Then I did 5 minutes of abs and called it quits.

Alright I'm off to do some packing for school and then hit the hay. Early morning tomorrow! Night!


  1. You seriously inspire me to be healthy, its awesome thank you!
