Friday, June 15, 2012

The Art of Road Tripping

Sorry I missed y'all yesterday! It was a super long day of being crammed a small two door car for 10 and a half hours with only three measly potty breaks (a major record for me).

The day started with my alarm going off at 7:15 so I could get out for a very quick run and be back by 8. 4 miles on the boardwalk and I was back at the house scarfing down my usual Grapenuts with berries and green tea. Then it was shower time, loading up the cars, and by 10am on the dot, we began our long journey south.

I was lucky enough to have two pretty funny guys with me in the car, so I was pretty entertained by their shenanigans throughout the ride. I tried to get a video of them belting all the words to songs from the Broadway musical Wicked, but my camera died :( You get the idea anyway though. I was thoroughly serenaded the entire way down with their renditions of songs by everyone from Beyonce to Gavin Degraw, to more Broadway show tunes...and everything else in between.

Like I said, my camera died early on in the trip so I couldn't take any pictures of the day's eats! But I can still tell you about them:

I never really had a distinct lunch perse, just nibbling on snacks throughout the day whenever I got hungry. I had packed some apple slices, carrots, celery, and a Chobani greek yogurt-all of which was gone by about 2:00 (meaning 6.5 more hours in the car with nothing to eat...not happening). So at our second stop I grabbed a low-fat cheese stick, peanut butter Clif Bar, and a soy unsweetened green tea latté (my absolute favorite drink) from Starbucks to hold me over until the big dinner my mom was busy making for us. That was the first time I have ever had a Clif Bar...I'll be honest and say that I didn't care for it too much. I know that tons of people love them (my Dad is a huge fan), but for some reason I just can't get into the texture or something.

We made one more stop around 6 for Joey and Duncan to try some Bojangles-a southern fast food staple, but I opted out because unlike them A.) I would not have been hungry for dinner a coulpe of hours later and B.) I really really really dislike fast food. Ever since I since 7th grade health class when we watched those movies about what fast food chains do to their food, I have never been able to look at a chicken tender, french frie, or McDouble the same way.

Often on trips I feel like my healthy habits have the tendency to go out the door a little bit, but I felt decently good about my eats yesterday! It's always always a smart idea to pack your own healthy snacks for the road because more often than not, there's nowhere to stop where you can get a healthy selection--and no a "real fruit smoothie" from McDonalds does not count as healthy.

FINALLY we arrived home around 8:30 and got to sit down for an amazing dinner prepared by the best chef I know....Mama Shelley duh!!

Baked Ziti for the guys!...Of course I tried it though...I can't even to put into words how good it was.
For recipe, click here.
Spaghetti squash pour moi! 

Mmmm so healthy...and it actually tastes SO much like real spaghetti 

Topping for the squash! (see below for recipe!)

Commence mouth watering.
Big salad for the group! Gotta get some greens in there somewhere!

Baked spaghetti squash:

You can get a spaghetti squash at most grocery stores. Cut it in half (which might be difficult to do), clean out the seeds and gucky stuff on the inside like you would a pumpkin. Spray down a baking sheet and place the two halves of the spaghetti squash face down on the sheet and pop them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 30-45 minutes or until you can stick a knife into the squash and it feels pretty soft. Then take the squash out, and use a fork to scrape out the squash that brakes apart into stringy pieces that look like spaghetti!

For the topping, simply sauté onions, garlic, and tomatoes (my mom used canned diced tomatoes) with some olive oil.

Scoop topping onto the squash and add some basil and feta cheese for extra flavor. Voila! A simple, healthy, and delicious dinner you won't be able to stop eating...even the boys wanted to try it because it looked so good!

So happy to be here!! 

After a quick dip in the pool/ hot tub after dinner last night, we all crashed. This morning my mom, Joey, Devron and I woke up semi-early (it felt like we were waking up at the crack of dawn), and went to our local gym to get a quick workout in before the day got started.

My mom and I worked out with her trainer and good friend Traci (she's amazing), while Joey and Devron did their own thing.

Traci always kicks my butt when I work out with her. Seriously, I'm not even kidding when I say that everything gets worked. I knew I wasn't going to be able to remember everything that we did so I intended to bring a notebook with me to just jot it all down so I could share it with y'all...but then my mind wasn't working this morning and I totally forgot :(

No worries though! She'll be at our party tomorrow so I can ask her to help me fill in the exercises I can't remember, or don't know the name of, and I'll post it up tomorrow so you can do with it what you will.

Relaxing in the sun out back! 

Mama Shelley checking to make sure the backyard is perfect for da PARTAY tomorrow! 

Alrighty, I'm off to relax in the sun a little and do some reading before we have to get ready and go to the guys' gig at a country club in Winston Salem tonight. Have a great start to the weekend!!

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