Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beach and a Circuit Workout

Good Morning!

I feel I have been blog deprived. Our internet was down all day yesterday and it was awful. But, I have a lot of fun stuff to get to so I'll just jump right into it!

After I left y'all Thursday, Evan and I ended up hitting the beach for a couple of hours before we finally had to come back inside because it was too darn hot (name that musical anyone?? Answer-Kiss Me Kate).

The shore is finally starting to pick up! More and more people are here every time I turn around 

After our short lived trip to the beach I came back inside I had another random assortment of things for lunch: light and fit yogurt, mozerella cheese stick, apple, and a little air-popped popcorn (bad move on the popcorn).

Then it was time to quickly change into workout clothes and once Joey got back from work, he, Devron, and I all left for the gym.

I would be lying if I said I had a good workout yesterday. I was really not feeling up to doing anything because I had a horrible stomach ache from lunch. I used to get them ALL THE TIME during cross country and track season. It seemed like no matter what I ate, I got a bad stomach ache while running and wanted to just pass out on the trail/track. Sometimes I look back and think it was just as much the anxiety of getting a stomach ache that caused them, as it was food. 

During my senior year cross country season, I went into it so ready to kick butt and run some great races. But the stomach aches persisted and although I always tried to push through them, my body just always seemed to hit a wall. Later I learned that I had a stomach ulcer that was bleeding, which also caused me to be severely anemic (gross I know :\ ), but at the time, it was so frustrating to watch my last cross country season go down the drain when I had no idea why. 

Now I take medecine to ensure that I don't get any more ulcers, and if I'm starting to feel really fatigued a lot, then I have Iron pills that help with the anemia. 

Anyway...when I do get a stomach ache nowadays, it brings back a lot of anxiety and frustration. Yesterday I'm pretty sure it came from that stupid popcorn that I love so much. I have no clue why it gave me a stomach ache yesterday and not other days, but I just have a funny feeling that it's to blame. 

Now that I have managed to word vomit my entire medical history...let's get back to the gym...

I managed to do an easy 30 minutes on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the stair master, and 10 minutes on the bike before calling it quits. I was just too miserable to continue. Some days your body just isn't up for it, and I have to remember that that is OKAY. 

Thursday night we took my brother to the Ocean City boardwalk for a fun night out! 

Yesterday morning I was up at 9 ready to eat and then blog, but of course the internet was out, like I said. Ugh I hate that. Get it together Comcast. 

Breakfast = Grape-nuts, almond milk, cinnamon sprinkled on top of berries. Pomegranate green tea. 

Then I proceeded to be VERY lazy the rest of the morning. I just hung out with Evan and some of the guys watching the Today show and then some very classy Jerry Springer (that show is WILDLY ridiculous). 

Finally I got around to doing some laundry and getting to the gym. 

Here was today's workout. Try it out!! 

Treadmill workout: 

First I started by doing a 5k (3.1 miles) in interval sets-
1 minute at a fast pace (for me this started at 7.4 speed and by the end I was doing 8.4)
1 minute a little slower pace (started at 7.2, ending with 8)
1 minute sprint (started at 8.6, ending with 9.6) 

Repeat that circuit until you've run 3.1 miles! (for me, I had to repeat it about 7 ish times) 

Best picture I could get while stepping off the treadmill for a sec. I ended up finishing the 5k in 22 minutes and 30 seconds. Not too bad! My PR for a 5k is 21 minutes and 15 seconds, so I'll take it! 
 Then I slowed it down a bit and did this circuit for another 9 minutes:

1 minute at a speed of 8
1 minute picking it up to 8.4
1 minute sprint at 8.8
repeating 3 times. 

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Then it was time for a COOL DOWN. Yay!! a nice 4 minutes going no faster than a speed of 6.4. 

I wanted to get on the stair master after my run, but it was taken so I hit the bike for a solide ten minutes of fast pace biking with a good amount of resistance. My legs were a screamin'! 

Finally it was time for this fun circuit! yayy!! 

What you will need...

Circuit workout: 

10 Bosu ball pushups (real pushups! no girlie ones please)
20 (on each leg) resistance band leg raises laying on ground...see diagram below of how to do these
15 shoulder reps with 5 lb weight...not sure what this is called exactly so see diagram
1 minute fast jump rope
15 burpees 

repeat cycle 4 times! 

Lateral leg raise- make sure to keep legs straight and feet flexed and you'll feel the burn! 

Shoulder reps 

I know you can do the math but if you do the whole thing 4 times then you'll have done...40 pushups, 160 leg raises (total), 60 shoulder reps, 4 minutes jumping rope, and 60 burpees (which is a huge deal for me because I loathe burpees with a passion). Each cycle takes about 5 minutes so you can pretty easily knock it out in 20 minutes...not too bad eh? 

I hope this is informative enough! Have fun with it! 

I'm off to make some breakfast before I have to get ready for a job interview. See y'all lata and happy Saturday! 

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