Thursday, June 7, 2012

And So It Begins...

Hi there!!

So if you are reading this, then you are seeing my first blog post on my very own blog!! I have been following (somewhat obsessively) a number of blogs by inspirational women for a couple of years now, and have always wished that I could write one too, but I didn't think I had anything important to say that people would actually want to spend their time reading. It wasn't until the end of this past school year that a lightbulb went off... I do have a unique point of view that a lot of people may enjoy hearing about and learning from! You see, I have just finished my freshman year at Johns Hopkins University (Go Bluejays), and had an amazing year. It was full of wayyy too much studying if you ask me, but I also had a blast making some amazing new friends, going out, singing in an my crazy wonderful all female a cappella group (Sirens shout out!!), and somehow finding the time to still eat healthy and workout.

Some of those amazing new friends I was talking about! (<3 Phi Mu Pham)

My beautiful Sirens!! 

Staying healthy in college was something that I promised myself I would try my hardest to do. I wasn't going to let those late night study breaks for braided pretzel sticks and Nutella set me back (although trust me, my roommate can vouch for me that I definitely still enjoyed my fair share of that beloved snack). No freshman 15 for this girl. But let me tell you, I noticed almost immediately that my goal was not going to be the easiest to attain. No longer was I going to have my mom to pack me a salad avec veggie burger, bag of veggies, and cup of berries for lunch every day. No longer was I going to have a team of cross country and track runners to kick my butt at practice. Now it was all on me..and that took some getting used to.

My roommate Kylie!...she knows about the Nutella and pretzels...

My amazing Mom who I told you packs the best lunches

Eventually, I did manage to figure things out. I will never lie to you and say that I didn't partake in my fair share of icing cookies on sorority bid night, or devour the mouth watering monkey bread at the Baltimore staple Miss Shirley's, or finish two pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream with my boyfriend Joey for dessert one night. BUT that wasn't all the time, and overall, I think things went pretty well this past year!

That monkey know you want it...
The Boyfriend (aka-Joey) should know what he looks like since I'm sure he'll be referenced aplenty

SOOOO with all of that being said, I will now get to the point of this blog (finally, I know). I've decided to start this blog so that I can share all that I have learned this year, and what I will hopefully continue to learn in the future, with you! If all goes well, I plan to put up daily posts that will include anything and everything from my eats (, daily workouts, or any random thoughts I think are worth sharing..and all of this will include lots and lots of pictures too (aduhh)! I also hope to have guest posts from some of my friends who do an amazing job of staying happy and healthy in college because I'm sure they have tons of fun and useful info to dish out as well!

I can't wait to just jump right into this! I decided to wait and start this lovely little adventure until the summer so I could be fully dedicated to it in these initial start-up months. I am 100% new to this, so please forgive any weird stuff going on with the blog until I can get everything all situated!

I can't give you a big enough THANK YOU for reading this first post. I hope you'll venture back this way soon! I promise I'll have some fun posts up soon, maybe even tonight (I'm feeling inspired to keep writing)!

That's my dog Gus saying thanks and bye! (Gus + running shoes= 2 faves in 1 pic)


  1. Great blog gf I love it! Gorg pic of the whole fam I miss you guys. Let's run a race when I get back from Africa!

    1. Thanks Lauren!! I miss you like crazy :( We will definitely have to run one when you get back!!
