Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Hot Hot Hot Thursday

Good evening!

I have to start with this funny picture.

Quality television
I came home from babysitting to find this...
All of the guys watching The Choice which may be one of the trashiest shows of all time, but oh my is it hilarious.

Last night was night 3 and counting of sleeping with no AC. We've been keeping all of the windows open to try and cool the place down, but there was no breeze at all last night so I could barely sleep in the heat.

After rolling out of bed as a zombie this morning, I needed a nice cold breakfast. Enter.... bowl of overnight oats from the fridge. YES!

I got a little creative with the placement of the ad-ins :) 

I don't do overnight oats often, but I felt like changing it up. All you do is put quick oats+ almond milk+ a little water+ cinnamon + vanilla extract in a bowl and pop it in the fridge over night. This morning I added berries from the farmers market and vanilla Chobani on top! Perfection. 

Then I went on a 1.5 mile walk to a health food store down the street to get a few special groceries. It was SOOO hot that I needed a cool treat on my way back... 

*Selfie Alert*- enjoying a soy green tea latté (unsweetened) over ice
Buys from the health store: Quinoa, Ezekial Whole Wheat Bread, Organic Lite Popcorn, Organic Mediterranean Hummus, Plant Fusion Protein supplement packs to put in smoothies, and a Kind Bar (unpictured)

I came home and made this delicious lunch...

One slice of Ezekial bread with Barney Almond Butter and 1/2 a nanner, and one slice with hummus and farmers market spinach .... Kindle on the side for some reading! 

Then I ran to the gym which is only 2.1 miles, but wow was it miserably hot and humid out. I walked into the gym dripping from head to toe in sweat....and then jumped on the treadmill again for a quick hill workout:

2 mins at 2% incline at 6.8 pace
2 mins at 3% incline at 6.6 pace
2 mins at 2% incline at 6.8 pace
2 mins at 5% incline at 6.6 pace
2 mins at 2% incline at 6.8 pace
2 mins at 7% incline at 6.6 pace
5 minutes of recovery at a fast pace walk up hill. 

I was cardio-crazy today..after treadmill I went on the elliptical for 10 minutes a fast fast pace and full incline. Sweat on sweat on sweat.

5 minute abs + bicep curls + pushups + romanian deadlifts...

Then we made a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up on many essentials and now I'm just at home snacking on some apples and almond butter post dinner which was sautéd Chicken Grillers (faux chicken actually), steamed corn, reduced fat soy cheddar cheese, and Gatorade (electrolytes = necessary for this dehydrated chick).

Alright I should get back to watching Real Housewives of New York City... guilty pleasure of mine. Night guys!

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