Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday with DUNCAN!!

Happy Saturday!

Today started with a very early morning. Joey and I got up at 7:30 to get to the gym because we had somewhere to be at 9:30 (more on that in a sec). Understandably so, we were NOT feeling the gym this morning. Even the lady working the front desk commented on how unhappy we looked to be there. DUH! Who likes to be at the gym that early in the morning? It was especially rough since I was up wayyy too late watching Lost on Netflix (I may be obsessed..).  Regardless of how rough it started off, I feel like I actually got a pretty good workout in and was happy to not have to think about it for the rest of the day! 

Here's what I did:

4 miles on the treadmill averaging an 8.30 mile pace

I don't know about other people, but I ALWAYS run much faster on a treadmill than when I'm running outside. It's probably because when I'm running on a treadmill I always do 2 minutes at a fast jog and then 1 minute sprint, so that ends up pushing my average mile speed to be faster. Doing sprint intervals is actually such a good way to get faster when it comes to running. One of my best friends at school, Lara, runs every day on the treadmill and was telling me how she would love to be able to pick up the pace a little (even though she was already going fast). Whenever I want to make my "comfortable" running pace faster, I always find it really helpful to throw in sprints and then when you're recovering from the sprints, only slow down the speed enough so that it's still faster than your normal pace. For example, if you're comfy speed on a treadmill right now is about a 6.5 and then you sprint for 1 minute at 8, then after that sprint, only slow down the treadmill until about 6.8 and all of a sudden that 6.8 which would normally feel fast, feels amazing because it's wayyy better than that 8 you were just running at. Make sense? ugh hopefully! 

Enough of my running spiel. After the run, it was on to a circuit workout designed by Joey. It went like this:

pull ups (which I had to do assisted because I shamefully cannot do a pull up to save my life at this point)
squats holding 20 lb dumbbells 
lunges holding 12 lb dumbbells 

You do each of those things 10 times each (10 on each leg for the lunges), and then you get a 30 second rest before repeating the circuit but doing each exercise 8 times, then again only 6 times, and so on and so forth until you get down to each exercise being done only 2 times. You can up your weight at the end though if it gets too easy because you're only doing a few reps. 

So after the gym was the best part of the day!! We had to be at the airport at 9:30 to pick up DUNCAN!! He is one of Joey's best friends at school and I have also really grown to love that kid. 

There he is!! Playin' the piano like a champ.

After picking Duncan up from the airport we came straight home to throw on bathing suits  so we could spend the majority of the afternoon at the beach. It was perfect weather and had my stomach not been grumbling for lunch, I wouldn't have come in! 

Breakfast this morning was a quick bowl of Grapenuts with almond milk and berries before racing off to the beach. Lunch was yet another big salad like yesterdays (spinach, dried cranberries, toasted pecans, goat cheese, leftover quinoa). And dinner tonight was just a random assortment of things I picked up from my quick trip to the store. 

I did sauté some veggies, but that's about all the prep I did myself. I bought the wheatberry salad from the store which was yummy. The carrots/celery was accompanied by peanut butter, and the reduced fat swiss cheese over there went with some Kashi crackers. Kind of thrown together, but still good! 

John whipping up some food and lookin' good while doin' it! 

Sometimes the boys do a better job of cooking than I do.... :(

Alright, Duncan and I are off to go hear the guys sing down the street at this famous ice cream place that they got a job singing at every Saturday night! Have a great rest of the weekend!! 

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