Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back to Normal

Hello Hello!

Sorry I didn't get around to posting yesterday :\ It was another longgg day in the car and by the time we got home around 9 last night, I was too wiped out to post...all I could think about was A. eating a quick dinner and B. watching some Lost before heading to bed.

I'll back up a bit though. Our last day in Charlotte (Sunday) was very relaxing. We literally had almost nothing to do but relax and hang out back in the beautiful weather. With 8 guys, it only took us about 30 minutes to tidy up the backyard. I whipped up some cinnamon rolls for them while they were outside hard at work :) No chance for a picture, they were gone as soon as they were out of the oven.

After that Joey and I made a quick trip to the gym just to get a workout out of the way. I haven't been feeling treadmill running lately so I went outside and did about 3.6 miles in the hilly neighborhoods around the gym. It was a nice change of scenery, but SO hot. When I got back inside 30 minutes later I was pouring sweat and in desperate need of H2O. What a great feeling. Next I did a quick ab set (more on that in a second), some glute work, and finished everything off with a little jump roping (maybe one of my favorite things to do at the gym...why don't I do it more often?!)

After the gym we got back home as quickly as possible and commenced to do this the rest of the day....

A random assortment of veggies, leftover black bean hummus, and Wheat Thins (obviously this picture was taken after the boys dug in)


So relaxing...I wish I was back there now :(

At one point I looked up from reading my book and this is what I found....

Smoothie for my lunch (along with some veggies and Kashi crackers). Into the blender went frozen blueberries, half banana, spinach, almond milk, a little whey protein, a light and fit yogurt, and some ground flaxseed. YUM! 

After everyone woke up and was ready to eat, Evan (little brother) got out his newest Target purchase...his mini grille...and proceded to make some cheeseburgers for the guys.

Such a proud chef...
My mom made a great spread to accompany Evan's meal. Hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken with a lemon marinade, corn on the cob and watermelon.

On my plate went chicken (even though I don't usually eat meat...this chicken is just too good to resist), an ear of corn, and an apple (because watermelon is the one and only fruit I don't care for). Later I also had some more Kashi crackers as a snack because I got hungrayyy.

After dinner I made a quick trip to Earth Fare before they closed so I could grab some groceries that I can't get anywhere else. Barney Butter Smooth Almond Butter, Corn Thins, and Low Fat Apple Cinnamon granola, and Green Tea Matcha powder to name just a few of the items.

Then it was back home to watch  Shawshanke Redemption (such an amazing movie) with 12 out of the 12 people in our house at the time. Everyone passed out after because it's such a long movie. The next thing I knew, my alarm was going off so I could go on a quick 40 minute run before everyone else got up. It was a pretty crappy run for me honestly. Some days I'm just really not feeling it, and that was one of those days for sure. I just couldn't get into a rhythm, but I'm glad I did it anyway. I needed to get my legs moving a little before I was about to sit in a car for 10.5 hours. 

Like I said, nothing too much exciting happened on our way back yesterday or last night for that matter.
One thing to note though is that my brother actually decided to come back with us for the week!! He really enjoyed hanging out with the guys and he didn't have to work at tennis camps this week so we were all excited when he decided to tag along! Maybe this will provide us with some nice brother-sister bonding time :)
Breakfast this morning- Plain Chobani greek yogurt with museli, and berries...green tea on the side.  


Lunch today- spinach salad with sautéd mushrooms, strawberries, cranberries, goat cheese, and a veggie burger, skim cheese stick and apple (not pictured) on the side. 
This sandwich was made by Devron, who called it "the ultimate manwich". I have no clue what's in it, but he was so proud of it that he requested a pic be taken...so why not throw it in here? 

Joey, Devron and I hit the gym late today. I willed myself onto the treadmill and had another very off day. I think I was seriously dehydrated because I kept getting lightheaded and seeing spots every so often...you know that feeling when you've stood up too fast? That kept happening. In the end I had to settle for 40 minutes on the treadmill with only 4.34 miles completed. Ugh. It's okay...it happens.

Then I went and did 4 rounds of 10 squats on each leg holding twelve pound dumbbells and then a little shoulder work.

Back and oblique work on this machine...holding a 10 lb weight. 
Just a little idea of how this machine works if you didn't know. It's amazing for feeling the burn in your lower back, which I usually find hard to work. Turn to your side to feel it in your obliques.  Hold weight to make it a little more challenging. 

Then I did the same ab workout I did the other day. It doesn't take too long, but it really kills (in a good way) if you do it right. It's from the Insanity Workout by Shaun T, but I got it from a post on Peanut Butter Runner (duh) so I'm going to refer you to that post about it because it's hard to explain with words.

Click here for to get to Jen's post and then scroll to the bottom to see a video of it!

It was only a matter of time before I referred you to her blog in one of my posts...and this definitely will not the last time. She really is an inspiration to me starting this blog at all.

I'm off to have another cup of green tea and then read some more probably. Dinner isn't really worth noting because it was just a random assortment of snacks. I was still feeling pretty icky from the gym and wasn't really feeling like a full meal.

Night night!!

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