Sunday, June 17, 2012


There's so much to update you on! The past few days have been a whirlwind, but a lot of fun.

We'll start with the rest of Friday. After our day early afternoon of laying in the sun, all 11 of us (my mom, dad, the 8 Coastal Vibes, and myself) all drove to Lexington, NC because the guys had a gig at a country club event that night.

Look at the awesome sign that was made for the guys! They got to keep it! 

That's my grandmother...the guys brought her up so they could sing "It's Gonna be Me" by N*Sync directly to her. It was so funny, and she ate them up 

Made her night I'm sure! 

Such a great performance once again! 

They also had some good ol' southern comfort food for dinner which included fried chicken, green beans, corn bread, and mac n' cheese (chicken fingers and french fries for the kids). Although the guys scarfed it down, that stuff isn't really up my ally so I ordered something off of the menu that is possibly one of my favorite meals....salmon and asparagus! I meant to take a picture, but I ate it before I remembered to do so. 

Saturday morning we all woke up early to help my mom set up for the party. Then Joey and I went for a quick 4.5 mile run around the neighborhood before we had to get back and throw on our bathing suits for a day at my Aunt's lake house! 

Such a perfect day! 

Livin' the life 

The weather was absolutely perfect and everything was so relaxing. We just laid in the sun all afternoon, jumped in the water and swam around on noodles, and then ate lunch. The guys had giant subs from Jersey Mikes and I ate the lunch I had packed. Again, I forgot to take a picture in all of the excitement (you'll see that no food pictures is a theme in this post unfortunately). In my lunch went a small spinach salad with walnuts, apples, and cranberries, carrots and hummus, an apple, and a Chobani greek yogurt for a snack later on. 

After thoroughly enjoying ourselves out on the boat for a few hours, we had to head back to Charlotte for the PARTY! Everyone was so tired on the car ride back that I turned around towards the end of the drive and everyone was passed out. 

The party started at 5, but most people didn't arrive until 6 or so (no one wants to be the first one at a party anyway). The backyard was decorated beautifully. Mama Shelley did a fantastic job, not that I expected any less from her. She really should be a party planner. Several people told me it looked like something that would be on Pinterest....SO true right?! I should pin these pics. 

The food was amazing too. It was catered by a chef who owns a food truck (my mom and I LOVE food trucks so it was perfect). He made an assortment of hors d'oeuvres including coffee seared beef sliders with chipotle aioli, mini crab cakes with horseradish sauce, pigs in a blanket with spicy mustard, black bean hummus with banana chips (weird combo I know, but it was pretty good...I'd be lying if I said I didn't break out the Kashi crackers later on to dip in the leftover hummus), mini grilled cheese with roasted red pepper aioli. Desserts included phyllo cups with mascarpone mouse and blueberries, brownies, and chocolate chip cookies. 

I was so busy mingling that I really only had time to try the black bean hummus and the crab cakes and they were delicious!

Taste the rainbow...the guys call their colorful v-necks "the adult wiggles look" which is highly accurate 

Everyone LOVED Coastal Vibes. Everyone wished that they lived here so they could perform at their parties and various venues around Charlotte. No joke, they got several offers to do other gigs here, but unfortunately we leave to go home tomorrow morning, and this trip was probably a one time deal :( Why can't the Jersey Shore be closer??? 

Even my brother Evan made an appearance at the party...notice his shirt..."Beach Chick" really?? He is such a weirdo, but I'm glad he came for a bit 

Two of my very best friends from high school were at the party as well! Meredith (left) and Hannah (right) are rising seniors in high school and freshman in college respectively, but we all ran cross country and track together in high school. They're honestly two of the nicest girls I know. I'm so glad they came by!!
After most people left around 10:30, we stayed outside and continued to hang out around the hottub until about 12 when most of us went upstairs and crashed. I had to pull myself out of bed at 9am so I could come down and help get everyone breakfast and write this post before we have to help clean everything up. You should see our's a total mess, but that's just a sign that it was a great party!! 

After we do that it will be a nice relaxing day. I have a few errands to run including one to Earth Fare (aka-my favorite beyond favorite place to go food shopping), and possibly getting my nails done :) 

Enjoy this lengthy post! I'm sorry it's not so much health and fitness related as usual. This weekend has just been more about having fun and making sure everyone is having a good time. I promise once we get back it will be back to normal!

See you guys late tomorrow, once we're back in Jersey

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