Sunday, June 24, 2012

Surprises, Circuits, and Salmon

Hey! Hope you guys have had a good weekend and a relaxing Sunday!

Yesterday I had a great job interview for more babysitting, and then raced back home to get out on the beach (surprise surprise) because it was a beautiful day. After a few hours it was time to come back in for lunch....

Spinach salad with strawberries, goat cheese, cranberries, and a veggie burger. Pink Lady apple and Light and Fit yogurt on da side. 

Then I read and took a quick cat nap before the boyfriend and I hit the gym for a bit. At the gym I ran 33 minutes on the treadmill doing a similar circuit as the one I posted yesterday. Then I did some pushups, squats, and more lateral leg raises with a resistance band. A quick round of abs, and then it was time to get home and shower before babysitting.

This is going to seem random for a sec, but I promise I have a point. When I was a sophomore in high school I spent the first semester living in Zermatt, Switzerland with 34 other sophomores from around the US. To say we had the time of our lives would be a vast understatement. I look back and still think that deciding to take a chance and do that was the best thing I have ever done for myself. We still went to school, but we also spent a lot of time hiking, biking, rock climbing, skiing, traveling, and eating A TON of amazing food (cheese, bread, hot chocolate, crepes, chocolate...sooo much good food). Along the way I made some pretty incredible friends and we still keep in touch to this day. One of them (my roommate in Switzerland actually) goes to Hopkins too!!

So the point of all of this being....when I got home from babysitting last night, two of my very best friends from Swiss were in my living room!! Kathryn and Sophie came from NYC to visit for the night and I couldn't have been more excited.

We spent a long time catching up last night, but crashed soon after because we were all tired. This morning we got up and went to breakfast at a classic diner style breakfast place down the street. I got a veggie egg white omelet and whole wheat toast. We went immediately to the beach after breakfast because it was another beautiful day and of course we three girls wanted to get our tan on.

My lunch was really tea soy latté (unsweetened) from a quick Starbucks run we decided to go on, light and fit yogurt, and a cut up apple and peach.

After the beach we spent another couple of hours laughing about old stories from our semester abroad and from previous reunions with all of our friends, and of course we spent a little time looking laughing at pictures of our heinously awkward 15 year old selves.

We found this gem of our group of friends...rough....

Sophie on the right! On the left is old roomie who goes to Hopkins! :)

Kathryn is on the right! She's going to kill me, but I had to do it. 

Then it was sadly time for them to ge back to the city :( but I'm so so glad they got to come even if it was just for the day! 

When I got back Joey and I went to the boardwalk for a 4 mile run. Hot, sweaty, always. We got back, picked up Devron and went to the gym where they lifted and I hopped back on the treadmill for another 1.5 mile hard and .5 mile cool down looking like this:

Hard part 

Cool down

Then I did a mini circuit on the bike that included arms (killing two birds with one stone). 

Bike/arm circuit:

1 minute medium-high level (medium resistance and fast pace)
1 minute high level (lots of resistance and fast pace)
1 minute medium level (medium resistance and medium pace) WITH ten lb dumbbells in each hand doing bicep curls straight into shoulder press (doing as many as you can in that one minute)

Repeat as many times as you want! I only did it three times today.

Ab time!

5 minute ab workout: (shout out to my good friend from high school, Emily, who showed me this quick killer a couple of years ago during cross country season...this is a variation of hers though)

Do each exercise for one minute with NO REST in between each one.

Crunches with legs straight up in the air
Seated oblique twists with 8 lb medicine ball
Situps while holding 8 lb medicine ball above head

All done with fitness for the day! Time for food...ayooo.

Dinner- Seared salmon (sprinkled with salt, pepper, and a little agave nectar for sweet crunchiness. Seared in pan with olive oil for about 4 minutes on each side..depending on how rare you like it). It. Was. Amazing. Steamed corn on the side and some of those yummy Crispy Wheat things on the side.

Mmmm...I want more. Now.

Now I'm off to shower so I can read some more and hit the hay early. I'm sleepyyyy. Night y'all!

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