Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Burnt Baked Goodies and Fresh Produce

I hate the internet in our house. It makes posting every day super hard when it goes in and out every five seconds! Ughh...I've resorted to writing this while I'm babysitting (not to worry...the kids are asleep/watching Kippur the Dog, so I'm not neglecting them) because the internet connection is much better here.

Anyway, when I left you guys the other day, I was having a rather relaxing morning of blogging, but pretty soon it was time to get up and get some things done. I ended up going to the gym later that day and doing my normal run routine, some elliptical (with incline all the way calfs and butt were on fire!!), and then some quick abs before running home to grab Evan and take him to the airport :(

After he left I came home and whipped up some quinoa, eggwhite scramble with veggies for dinner..along with a greek yogurt and apple with almond butter. YUM! It was a boring night after that for moi, just some reading and hot tea (and maybe an episode of Lost or two...we're addicted, but so close to the end!!).

I woke up the next morning and by golly what do you know...the internet was out. Again.

So since I couldn't do any posting, I got right to breakfast...

Vanilla greek yogurt, berries, and muesli. Yerba Mate green tea too :)

At one point yesterday, I made whole wheat chocolate chip banana bread from this recipe. So I'm not sure if something was wrong with our oven, but the recipe says it should bake for about 50 minutes so I popped it in the oven and went for a run for 35, and when I got was BURNED...NOOOO!!! I hate beyond hate burning baked goods :( It's so sad.

I came back later that night to find this....obviously it wasn't too bad because the guys still ate it!

So after the disaster of the banana bread (I'll have to make it again sometime to redeam myself), Devron and I hit the gym for a quick quick workout. I did another 1.5 miles on the treadmill (bringing my total of the day up to 5.25 miles), and then I did some abs (like the 5 minute circuit I posted the other day), some pushups, and then some squats and lunges.

Dinner last night was packed to go because I went with the guys to their first of many weekly concerts. I got to be their "merch girl" and sell tickets. Woohoo! 

In the bag went apples, carrots avec toasted pine nut hummus, a tuna packet, and peach greek yogurt

I wasn't feeling the tuna packet later so I actually ended up skipping that one, which means I didn't have a ton of protein in my dinner at all and ended up starving by the time we got home. Carrots dipped in almond butter + a little trail mix hit the spot!

Today was a very fun day. I can't reveal too many details about it yet, but I promise I'll fill you guys in on what we did ASAP! I'll just say that the guys and I were working on a project out on the beach that will be revealed soon hopefully! It was a ton of fun. 

No interesting eats today, unfortunately...same ol' same ol'. I sound like a broken record. I promise I'll get to the store soon so I can start mixing things up a little more. 

I did get to go to the farmers market today though! I love buying all of my fruits and veggies there because they're so fresh and definitely much cheaper than buying them at the grocery store.

I bought a carton of rasberries, a carton of blackberries, one of those cartons of white peaches (see above picture), a stalk of celery, and a bag of spinach all for just $17! Joey got a carton of giant yams, an onion, two giant cartons of blueberries (to freeze and put in smoothies he says), plums, and a couple bell peppers for $20. I think we're good to go in terms of produce for a while. SCORE!

Alright the chillen' are a-callin'. Adios!! 

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