Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Happy Hump Day

Last night was a doozy. I had about three cups of caffeinated green tea to keep me awake because I had to pick Joey up at the bus station at 1:50 in the morning. It was pretty miserable since, like I told y'all before, I didn't fall asleep until 3 am the night before. Somehow I made it there and back without falling asleep behind the wheel, but as soon as I walked in the door, I crashed and was out until 9:30 this morning.

Plain Greek yogurt with berries, Kashi Go Lean Crunch, and a little agave nectar for sweetness :) Green tea on the side! 
After breakfast I got caught up on the Glee Project while the guys had practice...and maybe I watched them a little too...

Just the guys practicing their "It's Gonna be Me" choreography...they are exact replicas of N*Sync don't ya think?
When they were done, Joey and I hit the boardwalk for a run. I was going to surprise him and not tell him that we were doing 2.5 miles down and 2.5 miles back (grand total of 5 which would be a new record for him), but he surprised me at mile 2 when he said he wanted to keep going another mile before turning around! In his mind he thought he was saying, "Hey let's run three miles in this direction and then take our time getting back, maybe slowly jogging the fourth mile and possibly walking the last two miles"...of course that's not what I thought so we ended up running the whole SIX MILES. He barely even complained ( least he didn't during the run...I heard all about it later). We weren't going super fast or anything, but I was still very impressed that he did it. 

After the run I was starving so I immediately whipped up a big fruit smoothie. I was going to take a picture...but I inhaled it before I could even find my camera. Oops! In the blender went ice, blueberry greek yogurt, frozen berries, a little almond milk, a spoonful of almond butter, and a heaping handful of spinach. It hit the spot! I also had some carrots and celery with hummus :) 

Since we had gone on a long run this morning, I tagged along with Joey to the gym later tonight so I could hold up my end of our deal and do some strength training. Here's what went down: 

1st circuit: (pretty much the same as the other day)

squats holding 20 lb dumbbells 
lunges holding 10 lb dumbbells
shoulder press with 10 lb dumbbells 

Go through the circuit doing 10 reps of each exercise (10 reps on each leg for the lunges), and then repeat the circuit again doing each exercise for 8 reps, then 6, 4, and finally 2 (add more weight on at the end if it seems too easy). 

Then I did twelve minutes of abs which included a lot of bosuball crunches, leg raises, bicycles, sit-ups,  and a couple of planks. 

2nd circuit: 

10 assisted pull-ups (if you can do real ones, then by all means...more power to you)
15 Romanian dead lifts with 45 lb bar (hamstrings on fire!!) 
10 pushups 
15 bicep curls with 10 lb weight ( I should have done more weight on that one... I wimped out)

repeat the whole circuit 4 times through 

When we got back from the gym I was on a mission to eat because I was STARVING. Time to whip up the ever-delicious sautéd mushrooms, asparagus, and zucchini that I bought at the farmers market today. 


With the veggies went a pink lady apple, grapes from the farmers market, and a Chobani apple cinnamon greek yogurt! 
Okay so that was my first dinner. What I didn't realize when I saw Joey making dinner...was that he was making some for both of us. So poor me had to have two dinners! Lucky for me the second one was AMAZING! Who knew Joey could cook??

First he sautéd portobello mushrooms and red onions (both from farmers market) with olive oil and garlic 

Sweet potato (last farmers market purchase), cut up and mixed with cinnamon, sugar, and olive oil before being baked in the 400 degree oven for 20 minutes (flipping them over after 10 minutes)

The chef at work with his Betty Boop oven mit...I was dying...

Plating his dish...

He also made salmon cakes! Salmon packet mixed with celery, red onion, one egg, lemon, and breadcrumbs. Thrown on a pan with some olive oil and cooked for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown...SO delicious.  

Good thing I did a lot of working out today!...I think I deserved all this food :) 

Obviously Joey approved of  his own dish...ate it all but the lemon rind!

Alright! I'm off to get ready for our big road trip to Charlotte tomorrow! The guys have some gigs there (including one at my house..PARTY!!) I'm so excited to go home; it should be a great weekend. Tomorrow is going to be a longggg day of riding in the car for ten hours, but it's worth it! I'll talk to you guys tomorrow night! 

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