Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Little Fun with Colorful Sharpies

Happy Saturday!! I have a bunch of updates for y'all so let's get to it.

Breakfast yesterday was stove top oatmeal with almond milk, flax, agave for sweetness, and berries of course. Nothing new here.

Lunch was a little later and consisted of a big bowl of fresh berries (trying to finish my farmers market berries before they go bad), and a Slim NuGo Bar. Perfect fuel for a tough workout!

Back to packing Dinner to go. I had to babysit so I brought with me leftover salmon from the other night, cranberry grain salad that I picked up at the store, cantaloup, and a few handfuls of granola.

Here's that granola. I was intrigued by the quinoa and chia in it, and since I love Kind bars, I figured I would like the Kind granola too. I was right! I am currently enjoying it atop yogurt. 

These seemed interesting. Each little packet of freeze dried apples is only 40 calories! I have yet to try them, but I'm sure they'll be good.

I thought I would do something fun and different to tell y'all about yesterday's workout so here's what I came up with:

It's clear that I had way too much fun doodling with bright colored sharpies 

Hopefully it's legible enough! Definitely try this workout. It kicked my but and I am thoroughly sore this morning. That's a great feeling though!

I also thought I'd give you guys an idea of what I listen to while working out. This mix has music from all over the board-anything from rap to broadway. Enjoy!

I also added funny side notes tehe :)

Alright that's all I have for you guys as of this morning! I plan on spending the day on the beach before heading to workout. Have no clue what I'm going to do for that yet. We'll see!


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