Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mouth Watering Eats and Tough Workout Updates!

It's been a few days since I last posted. I've been busy working on a few things for school (already..I know..ugh). But I'm back and ready to give you lots of updates!!

I guess we're all the way back to Saturday Eats: 

Breakfast- soy yogurt, flax, berries, kashi sprinkled on top
Lunch-carrot ginger dressing, arugula, 1/2 avocado, and leftover cranberry wheat salad all wrapped up in a whole what wrap, apple on the side
Dinner-Lunch kept me full all day long so dinner was just a random assortment of snacks- Light and Fit Yogurt, clementine, a couple handfuls of Kind granola, and scrambled egg whites with some veggies

Scrambled egg whites with spinach and grape tomatoes from the farmers market 
Saturday workout was zippo. A nice and much needed day off.

Sunday Eats- 

Breakfast- soy yogurt, flax, berries, Grapenuts sprinkled on top. Then I made chocolate chip pancakes for Joey and snagged a few bites. Also a little change up for me..I had a cup of coffee with almond milk and a touch of agave instead of my normal green tea
Lunch- still full from a filling breakfast, I had a Kind bar post gym around 3:30
Dinner- spicy seafood salad I picked up from the grocery store, cantaloup pieces, applesauce, and a greek yogurt. All of this was eaten while doing work in Starbucks (where I happen to be right now too) while also enjoying my usual soy green tea latté.

Sunday Workout-

It was raining cats and dogs outside when I left for the gym, but I braved the storm and made it to the gym completely soaked to the bone and freezing.

Nothing like a good run on the treadmill to warm me up!

5 miles at a good pace left me drenched in sweat (better than rain I'd say).

Then I got on the elliptical for a good 12 minutes (extra 100 calories torched!), and then cardio time was done. I knocked out some quick work on abs, pushups, lat pull downs, and vertical chest press before heading home.

Gave in and got an Instagram AND Twitter account today. Follow me please!! @jgray1223

After being productive  in Starbucks for a few hours, I got to watch a little of the guys' set at Springer's Ice Cream. As always, they were great and so well received by everyone there.

Monday Eats: 

Breakfast- Activia yogurt with flax, berries, and Grapenuts sprinkled atop.
Lunch- 1 slice of Ezekiel toast with hummus and arugula on top
Go Joey!

I'm a lucky girl that my boyfriend knows (well, recently learned) how to cook (although not better than me...oops my competitiveness is flaring up). Yesterday he cooked food to feed thousands....but actually that's not even a joke...so much rice. It may not look the prettiest, but it was delicious. Brown rice, spicy chicken, veggies, and black beans. I had a small bowl of it with the rest of my dinner and wanted seconds! The rest of my dinner consisted of a few Kashi crackers with a wedge of "light" spreadable swiss cheese, a Light and Fit Yogurt, grapes, and a handful of raisins later that night.

Monday Workout: 

Ran two miles to the gym and then did 2 miles on the treadmill at an average 7:30/mile pace. My HIIT workout was incorporated by sprinting every .25 miles for .12 miles. The treadmills at my gym allow you to see your distance in relation to where you are on a track/ how many laps you've run. So I would start each new lap sprinting for the first half, and then taking it down to a more comfortable pace for the second half of each lap.

Then I got on the elliptical for a good 20 minutes at my usual full incline and level 10 resistance while chatting on the phone with my mama. Nothin' like catching up with her to distract me at the gym! The time flew by and before I knew it, the guys were ready to leave! I didn't get to do any strength stuff at the gym so I made up for it that night by seeing how many girl pushups I could do in a row before my arms fell off. 55 was as high as I got, but hey, that's better than the last time I tried this! I crawled into bed with arms feeling like noodles.

Tuesday Eats: 

Oatmeal with almond milk, flax blueberries, a banana on top..also a little sprinkle of Kashi in there for crunch! Joey made his own pancakes for the first time. I had to try them to see who's were better...let's just say...he'll get better...
Lunch- Another awkwardly timed day where we went to gym before I was hungry for lunch and by the time we got back, it was too close to dinner time.
Dinner- Packed to go to eat with me in Starbucks while I get more work done!

Uh oh. Where's the protein?! I need to fix this situation pronto. Luckily there's a market right across the street from Starbucks. I may have to head in there and grab more of that delicious spicy seafood salad I had the other day. Shrimp, scallops, crab, oh my! Delicious!

Tuesday Workout: 

Fast 5k on the treadmill. I would say it was an "all out 5k", but I don't think I really gave it everything, so I finished in about 23 minutes. Then I ran two more miles at a more comfortable pace- averaging 7:40/mile (more sprints thrown in there). Finally, a nice .5 mile cool down at a beautiful 9:20 average mile pace.

7 minute abs on the mat:
2 minutes of raised leg crunches
1 minute plank
1 minute bicycles
1 minute  balancing V
2 minutes raised leg crunches

Quickie Circuit: 
standing horizontal leg raises (with resistance band around ankles)- 50 reps/leg
Romanian dead lifts with 25 lb bar- 20 reps
Overhead military press with 25 lb bar- 10 reps
^Repeat whole thing 3X ^

Another quickie: 
side bends with 20 lb kettle bell- 20/side
1 minute forward arm circles
side bends with 20 lb kettle bell-20/side
1 minute backwards arm circles
*commence arms falling off*

And then...just for fun... 4 X 25 jump squats (10 second rest in between each set). Wow, felt the burn on that one.


One random thing I would like to share before I head out is that I've noticed that I haven't been drinking nearly enough water lately. Maybe it has something to do with living by the salty ocean, but my body seems to just hang on to water by the gallons, and I feel bloated all the time. Maybe that's why I avoid water...which is the opposite of what I should be doing. So I've decided to give myself a goal of drinking 5-6 big water bottles a day to see if that helps! I'm currently on my 4th of the day.

That's all I got! Enjoy the lengthy post and have a great rest of the week!

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