Friday, July 13, 2012

"HIIT The Shore"

Hey there!

Time for more updates from the first week of this new challenge I've given myself. 

Day 3 Workout: 

Yesterday it was time for a HIIT workout (or High Intensity Interval Training)- doing multiple cycles of sprint intervals and then slower paced intervals. 

I did a short HIIT workout (about 33 minutes) where I did something similar to what I do on the treadmill often, only this was much more challenging because it was outside on the boardwalk and I was having to dodge tons of other people walking and biking. 

So basically what I did is ran in cycles of three minutes where for the first minute, the first 30 seconds is a sprint (at about 85% exertion) and the second 30 seconds I pushed it even more until I was giving it everything I had (100% exertion). Then you back way down for the second minute (50% exertion) and then pick things back up a bit for the last minute (70%) before you start the whole thing over again. I did the cycle 9 times (after a 3 minute warm up) and then took a nice 3 minute cool down jog back to the house. 

But the workout wasn't over there! I came back to the house just to grab Joey and then he and I headed out to the beach for this fun sprint circuit appropriately titled "Hit the Shore". 

50 yard all out sprint along the shore line in between each exercise below. 
60 second push-ups
60 second sit-ups
45 second wide arm push-ups 
45 second elbows-to-knees crunches
30 second diamond hand push-ups
30 second fingers-to-toes crunches
60 second flutter kicks 

The second circuit was similar, but for this we started 50 yards away from the shore line and had to sprint until our feet hit the water and then we turned right around and ran all the way back, only to drop and do these exercises:

30 mountain climbers
25 push-ups
20 speed skaters
20 jump squats
15 burpees 

Remember to do the 50 yard sprint down and back in between each of the above exercises. 
All done with Day 3 workout! Now onto the food! 

Day 3 Eats: 

Grapenuts, almond milk, ground flax seed, cinnamon, and berries. Of course. 

Lunch- 1/2 whole wheat wrap with almond butter and 1/2 banana, celery sticks dipped in hummus, 1/2 veggie burger 
Dinner- This was a joke of a dinner. I was in a huge hurry to get to Stone Harbor to meet up with some family members who were at the shore for the week and came to see the guys sing at the ice cream place. So basically my dinner was a bag of quinoa I had whipped up earlier today, an apple, and then a random assortment of snacks I picked up from the WaWa next to the ice cream place (apple sauce, almonds, carrots, and a kind bar). So random. 

It was a busy busy day so I got home from Stone Harbor around 12am and promptly crashed.

Fast forward to my alarm going off at 9am this morning. Time to run! 

Day 4 workout: 

Today was scheduled for a long run so I dragged Joey out of bed (actually we were both dragging), and we got out for a great 7 mile run averaging about a 9 minute mile pace. 

Then we grabbed Devron and headed to the gym where I did this great circuit for runners from Peanut Butter Runner. (I've been crazy for circuits lately!!) And after it I did some mad stretching which was much needed.

Do 12 reps of each of the following exercises (12/ leg if it's a single leg exercise) and repeat the whole circuit 4 times:

single leg squats
box jumps
push up into side plank
single leg reach
bosu ball bridge
twist medicine ball back lunges 

If you don't know how to do some of the exercises, check out the PBR page to see a video of the circuit!

Alright I'm off to shower and then hit the grocery store! 

Here's what's on my list for the trip: 

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