Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Workout, Eat, Workout, Eat.

Monday Workout: 

A wonky day at the gym because it was extra crowded for some reason so it was hard to find a free machine anywhere! People were literally waiting for treadmills to open up, so I just ended up taking my "light running day" and then hopping on the first elliptical that opened up.

On the treadmill I did a short HIIT workout (only 2 miles)....1 minute at full effort sprint, 2 minutes slowing it down to a more comfortable pace.

Elliptical was the usual full incline, half resistance for 20 minutes, only I split it up into 4 sets of 5 minutes in which two of those I was pedaling (right word??) forward, and one I was going backwards (kickin' those glutes into high gear!)

Then a magical thing happened...a treadmill opened up and I was able to get in another 1.5 miles on the treadmill! Same HIIT timing.

Then I did my pretty standard ab routine before joining the boys for a 'quick' cross fit circuit.

My numbers were:

50 pushups
75 bicep curls (10 lb dumbbells)
50 clean and presses

To be completed as quickly as possible, but we took breaks after every 2 minutes. I think I ended up finishing this in about 10 minutes. It was a doozy, and I expected to be thoroughly sore from it when I woke up this morning, but I was pleasantly surprised to wake up and feel no soreness!

Monday Eats: 

Since we got to the gym a little later than normal and were there a long time, I didn't have 'breakfast' until about 12pm. I was starving so I quickly whipped up some oatmeal with soy milk, flax seed, cinnamon, berries, and some almond butter drizzled on top!

Then lunch time rolled around and I was still full from my giant bowl of oatmeal so I ended up just snacking on some cantaloup and trail mix around 4pm.

Dinner was delicious though!!

Grilled salmon, sweet and spicy quinoa with chickpeas (picked that up at the store), carrots and white bean hummus! Grapes and freshly cut cantaloup on the side!

Foodie close-ups
I got hungry later that night and couldn't help sticking my hands in the trail mix bag...that stuff is addicting! And it has M&Ms....oh no...

Tuesday Workout: 

Began with a fun (for me) treadmill run with the guys (Joey, Devron, and Channing). Joey has been running a lot with me lately in prep for our half-marathon, but D and Channing aren't usually the cardio types...but that all changed this morning!

Luckily the gym wasn't as crowded this morning so we all got on four treadmills side by side for a 30 minute HIIT run. 1 minute medium paced, 1 minute faster, 1 minute all out sprint. They did great...I was very impressed that Devron and Channing kept on running through the blood, sweat, and tears. Just kidding, no blood or tears, but definitely enough sweat to make up for the lack of both.

Then they went on to do their manly weight lifting and I continued on the treadmill for another 2 miles to get my total up to 6 for the day (long run day). I have no clue why, but I have really been gravitating to the elliptical lately so after my run, I got back on for another 15 minutes or so (doing my usual routine).

Then it was time for some abs and back:

Insanity ab workout (see this post for the link to where I found it)
and then...
30 sit-ups
30 leg lifts

Worked the back on this guy... holding 10 lb to make the upper body lifts a little more challenging.

Tuesday Eats:

Pre-gym fuel- 1 piece of Ezekiel toast with almond butter and 1/3 sliced banana
Post-gym breakfast (late)-bowl of warmed up Grapenuts with soy milk, cinnamon sprinkled on top
Again I ate breakfast too late to be hungry for a big lunch so I had a Blueberry Kind Bar to tide me over!
Tuna, carrots and celery with white bean hummus, sweet and spicy quinoa, 1 apple and grapes for my fruit fix. I also picked up a soy, unsweetened green tea latté on my way to the guys' gig. 
Froyo treat on the way home from the gig. I know I'm supposed to be giving up dairy for a while, but I just couldn't resist this. Oh well, I can have a tiny slip up every now and then.

Ugh...sorry this is so blurry!

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