Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Running and New Foodie Finds!

Monday was a blur of a day. Woke up at a fairly early hour, considering I didn't get home until 4am the night before from babysitting. Newsflash-parents still know how to stay out late partying....

Promptly ate breakfast: steel cut oats made over the stove with almond milk (makes them creamier!). I also mixed in some flax seed and a generous amount of brown sugar for my sweet tooth! Berries on top!

Lunch wasn't really much of a lunch at all. This seems to be a theme with me lately- a downside of being busy.

I was able to enjoy this green tea latte (soy and unsweetened) on the way to babysitting because Joey was kind enough to pick it up for me.

I was babysitting that afternoon at the Revel Resort in Atlantic City and got there pretty early. My stomach was grumbling at me and I had only packed food for dinner so I stopped in a little market at the hotel and found these.

I have a cool app on my phone called Fooducate (a MUST TRY) that lets you scan the barcodes of foods, and it will give you all of the nutrition info, as well as give the product a grade based on how healthy the it is. So Mrs. May's Almond Crunch snack got an A-! Good enough for me! I also found a NuGo Slim Bar that packed a lot of protein with little sugar and carbs, so I grabbed that as well.

Dinner was quite the random assortment of anything I had left from home (I was running low on most foods except breakfast...of course). So I had some apples with a Justin's Almond Butter packet, grapes, rice cakes, soy yogurt, and carrots with hummus. Not much protein to be had here Facebook Chat Emoticons, Smileys, Smiley Faces Codes List on Facebook Tags Pictures

Monday Workout:

Kind of a hodge podge of things. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill before hitting the stair master for 10 minutes. Then I did some jump roping, pushups, and leg raises! 55 minutes total, in and out!

This morning felt great to wake up without having to rush to get to the gym or to babysitting. So I took advantage of the relaxing day and went to the beach for a bit.

Breakfast first though. Kashi Go Lean cereal with soy yogurt, flax, and strawberries (the very last of my fruit supply).

Lunch... dare I say it??... not much. But I have a good reason! I had a long run to do this afternoon and too much food and long runs do not mix well for Jordan...ever. I have learned my lesson over the years of suffering through all of the stomach aches. So I had another one of those NuGo slim protein bars, as well as the last of that bag of Mrs. May's Almond Crunch.

Dinner was had super late.

Poor picture quality...my apologies 

Baked salmon (350 for 12 minutes). Seasoned with salt, pepper, agave nectar, and rosemary. A cup of V8 tomato soup, a piece of Ezekiel toast, and a small yogurt accompanied the salmon. 

Before dinner I headed to the grocery store and had quite the good time restocking my food supply and spending (maybe too much of) my hard earned moolah. 

I finally found vegan cheese!! Now I can enjoy cheesy deliciousness without getting a stomach ache. Oh happy day.

 This looked interesting, and I was thirsty so I grabbed this pomegranate green tea and drank it while I shopped (don't worry, I did pay for it with the rest of the groceries). Very refreshing.

What a trip! And look at all that fruit! 

Like I said, my workout for the day was scheduled to be a long run. It was so stinkin' hot out though that I wasn't 100% positive I would survive if I ran the whole thing outside (side note-I really really need a water belt to wear to fend off dehydration when I do long runs outside). So I ran two miles to the gym, then did 4 miles inside on the treadmill, and then hopped right off and ran the 2 miles home. Grand total...8 miles. 

This is a picture from the spring, but it's pretty much identical to how I looked after todays 8 miler. Drenched to the bone. Mmmm...pretty..... *sarcasm*

Post- Shower
Ahhhhh...now that's better. Now I'm off to add some fun touches to the blog and then get to bed! Night!

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