Saturday, July 7, 2012

Good Workout, Good Food, Good Deal

Today's workout: 

Early afternoon- 3.5 mile run in the blazing 100 degree heat 

Early evening- 2.5 mile treadmill run at the gym (averaging 8 minute mile pace), 12 minutes on treadmill (full incline, 10 resistance), 5 minute ab set (vertical leg crunches, bicycles, oblique twists, leg raises, forearm plank- 1 minute of each), side lateral raises holding 8 lb weights, a little resistance band work, finishing it off with a couple 1 minute wall sits.

It was a great workout, but of course I had to nom on some good food to fuel me for it!

Breakfast was back to greek yogurt + muesli, flax, and berries. Green tea too!

Dinner was baked salmon (olive oil, agave nectar, salt, pepper sprinkled on top and baked at 375 for 12-15 minutes), butternut squash, and a giant fruit salad of cantaloup, grapes, and apples (unpictured).  

Just to add some fun stuff to today's are a few randomly fun and hopefully informative links to check out.

Links on links on links....

Just found this on Pinterest...helpful tips about pre/post workout things to eat: Eating Clean 

An amazing "healthy desert blog": Chocolate Covered Katie

So much interesting info about all of the foods you could think of: World's Healthiest Foods

WARNING...this WILL make you hungry: Food Porn Daily

I really want to try this workout soon!: Medicine Ball Interval Workou

And finally I'll end by revealing what it was the guys and I did a few weeks ago (in this post) that I promised to explain later...

We filmed Coastal Vibes' first music video!!...Check it out here! There's even a guest appearance from yours truly. It's pretty funny the whole way through...and it's supposed to get weirder as it goes on, so be prepared. 

Enjoy y'all! 

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