Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 2 and 3 Updates

It's been a crazy few days....

Day 2 Workout: 

  • Morning yoga/stretching on the back porch (not the most physically exerting, but my body needed it...SO SORE from Day 1)
  • Hill workout- we did this on the same bridge a few posts back, but instead of only running the bridge over and back twice, we did it three times and also incorporated more uphill sprinting (and one downhill just for fun). It only took about 42 minutes, but it was a killer.
  • P90X "Ab-ripper X"-here's a link to the exercises all done for 25 reps. 
Day 2 Eats:
  • B-fast- Raisin Bran and a little muesli mixed together with almond milk and berries
  • Lunch- Sautéd tofu, carrots with hummus and apple with almond butter for side items
  • Dinner-Rest of the sautéd tofu and leftover quinoa from the other night, apple too!
Extra firm tofu drained of water and sautéd with olive oil, some crushed garlic, and a little soy sauce. So simple!

My dinner was packed to go (of course) because I went with the guys to their gig at an ice cream place in Stone Harbor. As I was walking around the town, I happened across a froyo place called Toppings. Normally I would jump at the chance to have froyo, but since I'm trying to cut out dairy for a while, I tried my best to stay away. Then, a miracle happened...I saw a sign displaying Toppings' flavors and what do you know....they had a TWO SOY FLAVORS. I knew at that moment that nonfat soy triple berry sherbet and nonfat soy vanilla were meant to be mine. Threw some berries and a sprinkle of chocolate chips on there and I was in heaven. That cup was devoured in 5 minutes and I never even got a stomach ache from it! Hoorah! 

Day 3 workout:

  • 1 mile on the treadmill at a 7:30 pace (today was supposed to be my day off of running, but I just couldn't resist at least warming up with a quick run)
  • 20 minutes on the elliptical (to get the rest of my cardio in)- incline all the way up, alternating between resistance at 10 and 12
  • This quick but tough circuit ( will need a jump rope)
50 jumping jacks
30 second jump rope
20 alternating lunges
30 second jump rope
20 squats
30 second jump rope
10 tuck jumps
30 second jump rope
60 second high knees
30 second jump rope
10 jump squats
30 second jump rope
10 burpees
30 second jump rope
60 jumping jacks
30 second jump rope
20 second mountain climbers
30 second jump rope 
60 second plank

*exercises done back to back with no breaks in between*
  • Cross fit arm workout- I thought this would be a new and certainly challenging way to get my arm workout done. With these cross fit workouts you just have a ton of reps to do of a certain exercise and it's all about how fast you can get it done. The faster you can get it done, the stronger you're getting! Joey and Devron did this with me:
Joey: 125 pushups, 75 pullups- 8 minutes and 10 seconds
Devron: 100 pushups, 50 pullups- 6 minutes and 30 seconds
Jordan: 70 pushups, 10 pullups- 7 minutes 10 seconds

  • 6 minute abs- one minute of russian twists, leg raises, raised leg crunches, sit-ups, and 2 planks 
  • Stretching 
Day 3 Eats:

  • B-fast- Grapenuts with almond milk, 1 slice ezekial toast with almond butter
  • Lunch- Sautéd faux chicken grillers, a little quinoa, and an apple on the side
  • Snack- Berries in a bowl :) and half a slice of ezekial toast (no clue why, but I was starving at about 3:30 so that's how snack time happened)
  • Dinner- Sushi date night! All of their rolls were half off, so Joey and I went a little crazy. I haven't had sushi in forever so it was all amazing. 
Farmers market trip today! All of these delicious items at the lovely price of 16 dolla. Can't get much better than that! 

Joey and I finally finished all 6 seasons of Lost the other night and now we desperately need a new TV show to fill the void that Lost has left. I think we'll try Breaking Bad first. Off to watch the first episode and then catch some z's (does anyone say that anymore?) because I have to get to the gym tomorrow morning! Adios! 

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