Friday, July 6, 2012

Gone Fishin'

Yesterday Joey and I tackled the bridge that leads into Ocean City for our run. It wasn't a super long run (about 2.5 miles total), but that up hill was plenty hard for me. 

There she is

Such a beautiful view! 

We ended up running the bridge 2 times up and over. So in one direction we ran up and over at a fairly moderate pace, then on the way back we sprinted to the top and then slow jogged back down. Then we repeated the whole thing over again.

After the run we picked up D and went to the gym. I hit the elliptical for 20 minutes (full incline, resistance at 10), and then moved on to doing some other leg and arm work. Nothing new though, so I'll leave out the boring details.

Once back from the gym, we showered, packed overnight bags, and headed to Stone Harbor! Stone Harbor is another shore point about 45 minutes away from where we live. They have a really cute little town where there's lots of shops, restaurants, ice cream places, mini-golf, and a movie theater. So D, Channing, Joey, and I all piled in the car and headed there for the night. We ended up seeing a late showing of Spiderman (SO GOOD) before heading to Channing's grandparents' beach house to sleep over there.

This morning we woke up bright and early to go out for breakfast at the famous (around these parts) breakfast place Uncle Bill's Pancakes. I've been on an oatmeal kick lately so that's what I got (with raisins, bananas, and blueberries on top) and it was very delicious, but of course I had to try some of everyone else's pancakes since I didn't get my own. Verdict: D's pancakes were the best... cinnamon oatmeal raisin...MMMMM.

Then it was time to head back and GO FISHING! This was really the main reason we decided to take this mini trip to Stone Harbor. Channing's grandfather loves to fish and offered to take us out sometime, so we jumped on that offer and took him up on it!

D caught the first fish...a 14 inch flounder!

I caught one too!! My little guy was a smaller version of Devron's
Joey and Channing both caught a couple of small sea bass, but sorry guys...D and I definitely beat y'all in the fishing arena this afternoon. Hopefully we'll be coming back to do that again though!

Lunch before we departed for home was a baked crab cake, a clementine, and some lays chips (I forgot how addicting these bad boys are...remind me not to ever buy them for our house. If we had them, they would totes be all gone in one afternoon).

I went for a short run later this afternoon after my nap ( is tiring!) , which is more than I thought I would get in today so it'll do. Tomorrow I'll just have to do a little extra. No worries!

I'm off to finish my duties as babysitter (ie-watching TV until the parents come home because the kids are asleep).

See ya tomorrow!!!

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