Thursday, July 19, 2012

ZOO trip and Batman!!!

Time for another update! 

Wednesday Workout: 

I didn't get home until late yesterday afternoon. I went out for a run and about 5 minutes into it, I looked up and saw huge black clouds overhead. I hate storms so I sprinted home and when I saw bolts of lightening striking just outside my window, I decided I wasn't leaving the house for the rest of the night.

So since I was stuck indoors, I had to change my workout up a bit. I ended up doing P90X Plyometrics. This hour long workout is designed to get your feet off the floor (there's a lot of jumping), which keeps your heart rate high, your breathing heavy, and those calories a burnin'. It's amazing. A few of the guys I'm living with are doing the full P90X workout (following the videos for 90 days to kick their bodies into great shape), and they all say that the "plyo day" is definitely one of the hardest of the days they rotate through.

After doing the plyo,  I also went ahead and idd the 15 minute Ab Ripper X video.

And so I got a great workout in, while staying safely indoors durning the storm.

Wednesday Eats:

Breakfast- Joey and I went to a nearby zoo yesterday so breakfast was picked up on the way there. Small coffee (I've been craving more caffeine lately for whatever reason), GoGo SqueeZ applesauce, and half of an Odwalla Banana Nut bar. 

Lunch- Packed to go and eaten before we left the zoo!

Leftover quinoa and a veggie burger atop spinach and a few strawberries. Carrots with hummus and another applesauce packet on the side!
Snack- Mehhhh no clue why I was craving something salty, but I was so I can't deny that I stuck my hand in a bag of Tostitos Hint of Lime Chips. Bad idea, I had a stomach ache like ten minutes later.

Dinner- I wasn't too hungry so I just scrambled up some egg whites, and then had some cut up cantaloup and more strawberries on the side.

Thursday Workout:

The infamous hill workout... Joey and I tackled 5 uphill sprints on this baby (slow downhill jogs for recovery after each sprint). Both of us were feeling really rough at the beginning of this. My legs just took a while to warm up because they were stiff from doing all of that jumping yesterday!

The hill workout only took about 30 minutes so then we grabbed the rest of our fellow gym rat friends and headed out for more.

I hopped back on the treadmill for more uphill-

2 minutes warm up and then...
2 minutes at 3% incline (6.6 MPH)
2 minutes at 5% incline (6.4 MPH)
2 minutes at 3% incline (6.6 MPH)
2 minutes at 7% incline (6.4 MPH)
2 minutes at 3% incline (6.6 MPH)
2 minutes at 9% incline (6.2 MPH)

I was about to cool down after this and hop off, but my legs were feeling so good that I just didn't want to get off. Another mile and a half at a nice 7.3 pace. Then I was ready to get off.  

Back extensions how to...

I did 4 sets of 20 holding a 15 lb weight. I can already tell I'll be sore from that tomorrow


Lateral leg raises with resistance band around ankles- 4 sets of 25 raises per leg (100 per leg total)
Oblique standing side bends holding 25 lb weight- 4 sets of 15 per side (60 per side total)

Stretching, DONE!

Thursday Eats: 

Breakfast- big bowl of oatmeal with flax seed, cinnamon, and berries mixed in.
Lunch- breakfast was super late (yet again) so I just had a Kind Bar to hold over until dinner

V8 tomato soup, cantaloup and strawberries, faux chicken patty for protein!
 Tonight we're all going to the midnight premier of Dark Night Rises. Of course I'll be needing some yummy movie treats (that don't include an excess amount of sugar and movie theatre butter).

I think I'll be taking some corn cakes (picked up today at the store), apple slices, and maybe just maybe I'll make some healthy peanut butter cookies for a special treat. I'll also be gravitating towards some coffee soon to ensure that I can stay awake through the movie! Something tells me that it will be so intense maybe I don't need the extra caffeine...

Just for fun, I'll leave you with a few pictures from yesterday's trip to the zoo.

I forget what this animal is called, but I just thought it was so funny looking. It looks like a giant gerbil!! 

My dad received his undergrad from Bucknell University and their mascot is the Bison (hence the reason that this picture was necessary). He loves that school and has been teaching me their "fight songs" since I can remember. "RAY RAY RAY RAY RAY FOR THE ORANGE AND THE BLUE!"....told you...

See ya later aligator! 

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