Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Take me out to the ball game ♫

What screams America more than a baseball game?

Well lucky for us, that's what we went to Philly for! Coastal Vibes got asked to sing the National Anthem at the Reading Phillies game, so we drove up the night before the game and spent the night there.

Morning of the game was spent getting a quick bite to eat (Chob greek yogurt that I packed, a sliced nanner, and Special K sprinkled on top), and then going to the gym to get our workout in for the day.

4 miles doing my normal 1 minute medium speed, 1 minute faster speed, 1 minute speed circuit
1 mile doing the incline circuit that I explained in this post 
.25 miles cool down

Then it was time for abs on this baby:

Leg ups and Sit ups...feel the burn! 

My hamstrings are STILL sore from the other days Romanian dead lifts so I did lots of stretching on this guy.  
Then we came home, showered, and went to the game!

It was such a fun night- the guys sounded great, the crowd loved them, and I even found a healthy option for dinner!

There was a "healthy food" stand at the game so I got a veggie+tuna salad wrap and a fruit cup on the side. As you can see, this thing is HUGE so I only managed to have about half of it (Joey had the other half later that night for his "4th meal"). Of course I also had to have just a few  a handfull or two of ballpark peanuts while there.

This morning we got up, had breakfast, and made a run to Fresh Market before heading back to the shore.

I forgot to take a pic of my buys at that amazing grocery store, but here is what I can remember:

  • Jar of Barney Almond Butter + a few individual packets of it for on the go needs 
  • Grapes, Strawberries, Rasberries
  • 3 Organic Fuji Apples
  • Air popped popcorn ( I can't resist it, hopefully it doesn't cause another stomach ache :(  )
  • Hummus
  • Crumbled goat cheese
  • Frozen berries for smoothies! 
  • Large container of V8 low sodium sweet potato soup 
  • Box of Steel Cut quick oats by McCann's 
  • Box of rosemary and olive oil quinoa blend

Successful trip!

After we made the quick trip home, I warmed up some V8 sweet potato soup, cut up an apple, and cozied in to catch up on the Bachelorette episode I missed last night. I am ashamed to say that I am addicted to it this season, but how can I not be when Emily is from my hometown!! For anyone who watches the show, many Charlotte sources who know Emily say that she picks "the guy you wouldn't expect"...PLEASE BE JEF!!!

I didn't realize how tired I was, but after the show I fell asleep and was out cold for a solid hour.

Finally I willed myself out of bed to go on a quick run. I was going to take a day off, but then I decided to bake some things tonight, and so I figured I would feel less guilty indulging if I had at least done something physically active. I also had a banana + almond butter for pre-run fuel.

So out I went for a 40 minute run that ended at the local grocery store where I bought baking supplies, stopped at Starbucks for an iced soy, unsweetened, green tea latté (duhh...), and then walked home to start the bakin' before the guys got home from their gig in Ocean City.

I munched on some grapes while baking this guy....

Angel Food cake with fat-free cool whip and berries on top

So festive in honor of the holiday coming up tomorrow! 
Angel food cake is a tricky thing to make...especially with all of the egg-whites, but it's well worth it!
I used this recipe.

I also made these...

Here's the recipe 

Unfortunately mine turned out NOTHING like the picture even though I followed the directions perfectly! Hmmm who knows what went wrong, but they were still deliciously and dangerously addicting...luckily I live with 8 guys who will surely eat them faster than I could.

I got so busy baking (and tasting my sweet creations), that I forgot to have a legitimate dinner. So now I'm munching on more grapes and am about to have a few homemade sweet potato fries that Devron is whipping up...mmm.

Have an amazing Fourth of July!!! 

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