Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend Updates

It's been a few days so I have a bunch to update you on! Let's get to it.

Day 4 (Friday) Eats:

Breakfast- Grapenuts with unsweetened vanilla almond milk with flax, cinnamon and berries
Quinoa with a veggie burger, cut up peach, and some dried cranberries on the side. Also a homemade green tea latté (made with matcha green tea mix-ordered from amazon-with warm almond delicious).

Dinner- We had a dinner party to go to that night because the guys were singing at it so I got to change it up a bit for dinner: some crab claw and crab ball appetizers and a little veggie lasagna for the main course. I'm not a big pasta person usually, but that lasagna hit the spot!

Singing at the dinner party! 

Day 5 Workout: Literally nothing. This was my scheduled day off and it felt great to let my body totally rest and relax for the day.

Since I didn't have to devote any time to going for a run, or going to the gym, I had a lot of time on my hands yesterday. I pretty much spent it reading and cooking.

Day 5 Eats: 

Breakfast-The same old Grapenuts that I love.
Lunch- Tuna atop crsipy wheat crackers and an apple
Dinner- Sweet and salty tofu with broccoli, carrots/celery with hummus, and an apple on the side

^that was made earlier in the day during my cooking spree^

Sweet and salty tofu! Just cubed tofu sautéd in olive oil, sea salt, and agave nectar! Sweet and salty is perhaps my favorite food combo, so this dish is perfect and so simple. (apologies for the blurry photo)

Talapia I picked up at the supermarket that I baked for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Perfect to heat up for a quick dinner later! 
 The talapia in the front is crusted in coconut and red pepper flakes! Sweet and spicy :)

Packed dinner to-go for babysitting! Made this afternoon and popped in the microwave later that night when I got hungray.

 Then I got on to some baking. I had some frozen blueberries in the freezer that I needed to use so I found this recipe for Banana Blueberry Bread and whipped it up!

Mmm this is so delicious...and almost gone at this point because I have been constantly picking at it since yesterday. Every time I walk in the kitchen I can't resist having a bite. Ooooopsie.

Day 6 Workout: 

Today was pretty much identical to Day 1 workout. 

It all started for a timed all out 5k on the treadmill. I have to be honest, my body felt awesome during this run and I think it was all due to taking yesterday off. My legs didn't feel nearly as exhausted as they usually do and it didn't take them nearly as long to warm up and get into the swing of things.

My time was two seconds faster than last week! Woo I'll take it! I said I wanted to try and improve my time every this will do for now. Next week I really want to be closer to 22 minutes and maybe even break it! We'll see how that goes.

Time to cool down and do this tough circuit (same as last week):

10 push-ups alternating knee-ins
15 froggers
10 / side ice skaters
15 / leg alternating forward lunges
10 box jumps
15 / leg single leg step ups
5 / side row with neutral front raise

Repeat circuit 5x with 90 seconds rest in between! 

This is such a great total body circuit. Trust me if you do it, you will be sore the next day. I was sore for days upon days after, but that's a good thing--try it out!! 

Ab workout for the day- I skimped on these a bit today. I only managed a few minutes before I was ready to just stretch and get home. Pretty much all I did was some bicycles, sit ups, and russian twists.  

Day 6 Eats: 
Breakfast- (a little later than usual) steel cut oats with agave, flax, berries, and cinnamon on top! 

Lunch- Ehhh not anything worth noting. I missed a meal with protein here because I just wasn't terribly hungry for a big substantial lunch. That's the problem with eating breakfast late, ugh. Basically I just nibbled at the banana blueberry cake, a few bites of cantaloup, and tried Devron's homemade guacamole with a few chips.

Dinner- I warmed up the coconut crusted talapia and broccoli that I made yesterday. Also on my plate was a cut up apple with almond butter, and some farmers market celery and peaches! Oh and I'll definitely maybe be making a green tea latté in a bit ;)

Off I go to watch more Breaking Bad...we. are. addicted.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that heart rate of 182 a little high. I know the last recording I saw in a similar run was 164.?????
