Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sushi and More Delicious Food..NOM

Happy Thursday! It's almost the weekend!

Time for the ol' we go...

Wednesday Eats: 


Another repeat. Soy yogurt with flax, kashi, and lots of berries (I promise they're under there somewhere)

Lunch- Be proud! I had a decently substantial lunch today...well better than any other day this week at least. Whole wheat Ezekiel toast, 1 banana, and an Activia Light yogurt. 

Dinner- Sushi!! Once a month Joey and I like to do a fun date night out. It was my turn to plan it so we started by doing one of my favorite things ever...painting pottery!! *nerd alert*. Then we headed to a great sushi place near by where all of their sushi is half off Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays. We were starving and with such great prices, why not go a little crazy?

I ordered a spicy salmon type roll with mango inside (sweet and spicayy), and my second roll had tuna, eel, cucumber and avocado. So so good.

Joey had a spicy salmon hand roll, the "out of control" roll, and another roll with eel, avocado, and who knows what else. Obviously we had to share, so I can say that all of the rolls were spicy salmon mango roll was ma fave though. 

Froyo was right across the street so of course we had to stop in and get dessert. My cup was bigger and weighed more than Joey's. #winning. 

Wednesday Workout:

A quick trip to the gym earlier in the day included a nice 5k on the treadmill (not for time..but still finished in 25 minutes...not too shabby!) 
Then it was time for this speedy circuit: 

15 push-ups
15 burpees
1 minute plank
25 scissor kicks
20 girl push-ups
20 jumping squats
15 tricep dips 
1 minute wall sit 

Complete the entire circuit 3X! This got me sweating right off the bat so definitely give it a try!

Thursday Eats: 


Smoothie with blueberries, almond milk, Activia light yogurt, and a little protein powder. Half a grapefruit too!

Snack- a nice juicy apple!

Lunch- The most substantial one yet! I had a whole wheat wrap with some carrot ginger dressing I made (see recipe later in the post), arugula, and half an avocado. 

I also had some berries with a Light and Fit yogurt, and a few rice cakes. Yum :)


Baked salmon (how I usually do it), with steamed corn, and avocado with carrot ginger dressing salad! 

Here's the recipe for that dressing! I adapted it from Gwenyth Paltrow's recipe on Goop because I didn't have all of the same ingredients that the original recipe asked for. Mine turned out fine though! 

1 large carrot roughly chopped
2 tbsp finely chopped ginger
1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp water 

Grind it all up in a blender and voila! So easy! 

Also went to the farmers market this morning! 

Those litte baby eggplants are called "sweet fairy tale eggplants" and the people at the farmers market said to just sauté them in a pan with some olive oil and garlic and their delicious. So I'm definitely going to give that a try soon. 

Thursday Workout:

Late night gym session (I only got back about an hour ago). 6 miles on the treadmill took up the majority of my time at the gym and left me plenty sweaty. 

Averaging 7:29 minute miles?? I will most definitely take that. In fact, I'm pretty proud! 

I kept that pace up by incorporating 1 minute sprints throughout the whole 46 minute run. Try that out next time you're running on the treadmill. One minute sprint, one minute slower recovery, one minute medium pace. I know I say that all the time, but I promise you'll be surprised by how quickly you burn through miles, and how much faster your overall comfortable pace will get! 


I did some abs:
1 minute vertical leg crunches
1 minute sit-ups
1 minute V-ups
1 minute leg raises
1 minute seated twists 
1 minute bicycles

2 minutes of girl pushups
2 minutes of single leg squats (1 minute per leg)
2 minutes of lateral leg raises (1 minute per leg)
2 minutes of arm circles (1 minute in each direction)

A few minutes of stretching which I plan to do some more of before bed. 

That's all I have for tonight! Adios!! 

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