Sunday, July 22, 2012


These past few days have been pretty hectic so I had to take a few days off of blogging. There has been a lot going on- I can feel my body growing more and more exhausted every day. Lots of working out, taking care of lots of crazy kids, and not sleeping enough are all starting to wear on me. Luckily, 2 weeks from today I'm going on a trip with my mom for her birthday, so I know that will be a much needed break. I can't wait!

Let's get started with Friday's Workout: 
I had another long run to do for the week, but since it was pouring down rain outside, I ran at the gym. 6 miles at a great pace! I'm not used to running that long at that fast a pace, but hey, that's how you get faster! 

Then I did some quick Russian dead lifts holding a 30 lb bar, and bicep curls with 20 lb bar-- 4 sets of 20 for each exercise. I also took a little time to do some abs, but I won't bore you with the details...same old thing. 

Friday Eats:

Breakfast- really late in the day because I got to sleep in! After going to bed at 4 am because of the Batman premiere...can you blame me? So breakfast was a big bowl of oatmeal with almond milk, flax seed, cinnamon, and berries. 
Lunch-Well this was nothing more than a cranberry almond Kind bar because I had breakfast so late.
Dinner- Packed to go because I had to babysit...
Corn, faux chicken patty, apples, grapes, and rice cakes! Yum! 
Saturday Workout:

Confession: today was supposed to be my day off, but I just was too antsy all day. I had to go out for a quick run just to calm myself down. 30 minutes on the boardwalk was all I needed. 

Saturday Eats:

Breakfast- I just didn't get a good night's sleep Friday so when I woke up Saturday morning I knew I needed something extra to kick start my day. Enter- WaWa coffee! I didn't grow up with WaWa (which is basically a hyped up gas station for those that don't know) so when Joey started taking me there, I didn't get what was so great about it, but I've learned to really really love their coffee, and they have great snacks that I can grab on the road (fresh fruit, veggies, Chobani greek yogurt, kind bars, etc!). I'm not even a regular coffee drinker, but today was the day for a big cup of French Vanilla Coffee with a little almond milk stirred in and 1 splenda. Perfect! 

Also I had a bowl of Kashi Go Lean cereal with almond milk and berries. 

Lunch- After I got back from a 4th birthday party for one of the little boys I babysit, I heated up a veggie burger and threw it on a bed of spinach with strawberries and dried cranberries. Then I munched on some grapes.

Dinner- Again I had to babysit so it was another packed dinner for me. Slightly less substantial, though, because I had a stomach ache. I just snacked on some apples, a soy yogurt, and rice cakes.

You know those days when everything feels off? Jen from Peanut Butter Runner actually wrote a post today that starts off with talking about exactly how I felt today. Just off. Nothing else could go wrong, and then it does. I won't go into everything, but I will say that when I got to the gym, I just wanted to get on the treadmill and run and run and run until my legs wouldn't take me any further. So that's what I did...

Sunday Workout: 

An amazing 6 miles with no pacing or sprinting. I just let my body run at the pace it wanted to while I listened to all of my favorite songs and forgot about everything going on around me. I stepped off of the treadmill totally rejuvenated body and clear mind.

Again, there were some abs thrown in there after the run, but nothing you guys haven't heard. 

Sunday Eats: 

Breakfast- None. I never...I repeat...never ever skip breakfast. It's just that meal where I feel I have the most freedom. It's hard to explain, but I just love it. So it's very very rare that I skip it, but I guess this morning I just wasn't feeling a meal for whatever reason. I did have some green tea though, and that hit the spot.
Lunch- Panera trip!! Definitely one of my favorite places. I was very hungry after the gym so I did the you pick two deal- half fuji almond chicken salad (no dressing), and a cup of black bean soup. Whole grain baguette on the side. Perfection.
Snack- Smoothie from this place called Bryn and Danes. It's a one of kind place who's claim to fame is "healthy fastfood". They serve amazing foods that you don't have to feel guilty about! We stopped in so I could try one of their famous smoothies and air popped popcorn. 
Dinner- Once again, I had to babysit. Have I become a pro at packing dinners-to-go or what? I'm beginning to forget what it feels like to eat dinner from something other than a plastic container or baggie. Anyway, pretty much the exact same dinner as Friday night, except I had apple sauce instead of grapes. 

Now I'm off to finish watching the Bachelorette finale. My favorite guy, Jef, won! 

I'll leave you with a few silly pictures the boys and I took on "Old Booth" tonight while babysitting.

Look at this amazing view from the top floor room this family is staying at in Atlantic City! 

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